We’ve got a treat for you today! We’re delighted to announce our first map creation contest, which gives you a chance to win one of 5 beta keys for Armored Warfare! The Contest begins today and ends on Monday, the 22nd of December. Your submission should take the form of:
- An image of your map (drawing, sketch, anything is fine!)
- A name for your map
- A short written general concept of your map
- An brief explanation of key landmarks on the map and their strategic importance
- A quick description of the atmosphere and how it fits into Armored Warfare
- (OPTIONAL) Additional images or concepts of your map
We’ll work with the developers at Obsidian Entertainment to pick the top maps. Judging will be based on completeness of the submission, as well as general quality of concept and execution. Please submit your contest submissions only in this thread. This thread is exclusively for discussion of the contest. We will be removing non-submission posts in the submission thread if necessary :).
Please remember to keep your submission concise, and remember that only one submission per person is allowed!
Good luck!