We are happy to announce that the Update 0.50.20 is now available!
List of Update 0.50.20 Changes
Module Name Fixes
We have fixed a number of module and ammunition names to match their correct real-life counterparts. Many thanks to Spyder, one of our esteemed players, for his contributions.
Graveyard of Empires
This Afghanistan-themed event will start tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for more information.
General Changes
- AbramsX: Changed the positions of both decals
- AbramsX: Fixed an issue with an incorrect APS charge amount upon respawn
- Namer: Fixed an issue where the Blossoms of Wealth skin was disabled for the EU/RU region
- A number of skins have been enabled for the EU/RU region
- Further optimized the game’s loading process
- Removed an incorrectly issued player avatar
- Fixed some small localization issues
- Added some assets for upcoming events