Today, we’d like to tell you more about the upcoming Europe’s Edge Battle Path campaign as a whole along with the changes and improvements we’ve prepared for you.
Europe’s Edge
Unlike the previous two such events, the Europe’s Edge Battle Path is a “historical” one in the sense that it contains camouflages, decals, flags and other prizes tied to the topic behind each of the vehicles (as described below). The main theme is cutting-edge European hardware presented during a military expo organized by none other than our own Francine De Laroche!
As usual, multiple vehicles await you. This time there’s three of them:
- Leopard Cockerill Tier 8 Premium LT for reaching Level 20
- Ajax Tier 10 Premium AFV for reaching Level 40
- KF51 Panther Tier 10 Premium MBT for reaching Level 50
The specifics topics therefore are:
- Cockerill company (Level 1-20) with various prizes from the Philippines, Indonesia or Turkey
- Great Britain (Level 21-40) with various British-themed prizes
- German/French collaboration (Levels 41-50) with various French and German prizes
There will be camouflages, decals, boosters, Platinum Loot Crates... you name it. But there are two new prizes that will be issued as a part of a mission overhaul.
Mission Overhaul
The mechanics of this Battle Path are similar to those in the Exile Battle Path save for an overhaul of the chain mission system. Chain missions in their current state are divided into MBT missions, AFV/LT missions and TD/SPG missions.
In Europe’s Edge, they will be divided into:
- Cockerill missions (that can be completed using vehicles with Cockerill turrets or guns, including the Leopard upgraded by Cockerill)
- British missions (that can be completed using British vehicles, including the Ajax)
- Euro MBT missions (that can be completed using European MBTs, including the Panther)
The basic concept is the same – complete the first three mission chains to unlock the fourth mission series called Elite.
However, the idea behind the overhaul is very different. The missions are moving away from an easy to obtain source of additional Battle Coins to a proper achievement. In other words, they are getting harder and will take some effort to complete.
New Mission Rewards
But as the difficulty increases, so do the prizes. The basic chains will end with a new reward called Lesser European Loot Crate.
The Lesser European Loot Crates work just like Exile Loot Crates but with a limited vehicle pool.
- These loot crates contain a Tier 4 to Tier 7 Premium European vehicle that you do not have yet, or a “last ditch prize”
- These loot crates do not contain the alternate paintjob versions of the existing vehicles (“reskins”)
- It is possible to receive “last ditch prize” even if you don’t own some of the vehicles that can drop from these crates (it’s, however, far likelier for you to receive a vehicle)
The “last ditch prize” drop can be one of the following items:
- 5 Battle Coin Boosters
- 800 Gold
There will be three of them in the Battle Path (one for each chain), but the truly valuable prize is the Greater European Loot Crate awaiting you for completing the Elite mission set. Here’s how it works.
The individual missions from the Elite mission set will reward you with 10 Challenger Streetfighter II blueprints each (5 missions, 50 parts in total). The final mission will also reward you with the Greater European Loot Crate. This loot crate works like the lesser crate – but with important caveats:
- It only contains European Tier 10 Premium vehicles that you don’t own (specifically: Altay, Strv 2000, Lynx Skyranger, EBRC Jaguar, KF41 Lynx Prototype and Puma)
- There is a “last ditch prize” that you can obtain but in this crate (even if you don’t have all the vehicles listed above) and it’s another 50 Challenger Streetfighter II blueprints
- Obtaining this last ditch prize will allow you to instantly receive the Challenger Streetfighter II Tier 10 Premium MBT – the real trick here is, however, that if you have it already, you will receive its price in Gold
In other words, you are guaranteed to get a Tier 10 Premium vehicle from this crate but if you’re really lucky (or have everything), you can get a massive Gold compensation (19.000 Gold) that will set you up for future Battle Paths or you can always trade it for a large amount of Battle Coins in this one.
The rest of the Battle Path remains mostly the same, including the prices, both the access itself and level unlocks (5.000 Battle Coins), as do the contents of the Battle Path shop. The Battle Path is currently planned to launch in March but the specific date will be announced a bit later.
We hope you’ll enjoy this Battle Path as much as we enjoyed designing it and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!