With the initial part of the account transfer complete, the time has come to address the situation of Steam users.
We’d like to inform you that the Steam user transfer will, as previously announced, proceed automatically. There is no need for you to transfer your account in any manual way.
Furthermore, based on your feedback, we are integrating the game with Steam. What this means is that, in the future, you’ll be able to download game updates not via the WLG launcher, but via Steam directly.
However, there’s a catch. Unfortunately, due to this dramatic change of the system, Steam users will have to re-download the game client from scratch this one time.
We apologize for the inconvenience but there is simply no way around it.
Please note: We strongly suggest not to attempt to find any workarounds that seemingly work because your client would break with the next update.
As for our Wishlist Launcher users:
We are hard at work fixing the bugs you reported, improving the download speed of the game and, last but not least, adding new features such as multi-account support to the launcher. We’d like to thank you for your reports as well as your continued support and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!