The T-64BV Mod.2017 contract is slowly coming to an end and now’s the right time to tell you more about the main prize of the next one – the Russian BMP-1AM Basurmanin Infantry Fighting Vehicle. But, as usual, a bit of history first:
The BMP-1AM Basurmanin (“Heathen” in Russian) IFV as a relatively affordable upgrade to the venerable BMP-1, which is now considered to be utterly obsolete. The main idea behind this vehicle is the fact that its turret is replaced by the same one as used on the BTR-82A, thus not only improving its firepower, but also creating parts compatibility – an important link of the logistics chain. The engine was upgraded as well (to UTD-20S1, providing 350-400hp depending on circumstances) and the vehicle received a new, improved set of comms.
However, there are numerous downsides to such approach. The BTR-82A turret is by no means the best platform of its kind in the world, it does not come with an integrated missile launcher and the conversion shifts the center of gravity of the vehicle, reducing its handling and performance.
The first prototype appeared around 2018 during the ARMY 2018 expo in Moscow. With the effective cancellation of more advanced BMPs originally thought to replace the BMP-1 platform entirely, this relatively cheap upgrade was deemed the best solution.
Mass production was launched around 2019 or 2020 with several dozen being delivered until 2022, which is the year it has officially entered service. The total amount of produced BMP-1AM conversions is unclear and estimates range from perhaps forty vehicles into hundreds. The whole matter is complicated by the fact field that BMP-1 field conversions exist as well.
In Armored Warfare, the BMP-1AM Basurmanin will be a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle.
Our model of the Basurmanin represents more or less a “field conversion” where the turret was mated with an older BMP-1 hull. With that in mind, the vehicle isn’t that hard to read.
What we have here is a relatively poorly protected AFV with an unmanned turret consisting of a BMP-1 hull and a BTR-82A turret (from Tier 8), just a Tier lower. Protection-wise, we’re therefore looking at a very basic, thin-skinned vehicle without any special protection means. The turret is also the stock BTR-82A version without ATGMs.
Don’t worry, it gets better. The autocannon basically offers Tier 10 firepower and damage output, just three Tiers lower. The vehicle is using ammunition identical to T-15 along with very high rate of fire, allowing it to dispose of poorly armored vehicles in seconds.
Additionally, just like in real life, the vehicle has an upgraded engine (360hp UTD-20S1) and is generally very light compared to the BMP-2M Berezhok, which means it’ll be very fast and agile. The Basurmanin will also be able to deploy all three standard types of infantry.
All in all, we’re looking at a fast, hard-hitting vehicle. It’ll be decent enough for spotting enemies or for dealing high amounts of damage in PvE. Careful gameplay will, however, be required due to its lack of protection.
Alongside the vehicle, you will be able to obtain other prizes as well during the next contact (for completing Contract Missions), including:
- Russian (Winter Improvised) camouflage (as seen on a Russian BTR-82A in 2022)
- 3 decals
We hope that you’ll enjoy the new contract and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!