My.com is proud to announce the results of the end-of-the-year Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015. This Humble Bundle portal event focuses on raising money for various charities that include this year:
- Oxfam International
- Doctors without Borders
- GamesAid
- Fauna & Flora International
- Cancer Research UK
- Mental Foundation
- Special Effect
In December, the My.com Armored Warfare T-62 Veteran premium tank along with a few days premium was a part of the bundles sold and we are happy to say that the program was a complete success - Humblebundle managed to raise 980 thousand USD from over 40 thousand bundles sold, helping those in need. Our big thanks go to all of you players who helped make it happen and to the good folks of Humblebundle for letting us participate.
See you on the battlefield!