Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are proud to introduce the the newest addition to Armored Warfare - Update 0.13, bringing some of the long-awaited and exciting features!
Update 0.13 does bring several major features that include:
- Third Dealer Zhang Feng with 7 new Chinese MBTs
- New Coastal Threat PvP map
- PvE and PvP Reward System overhaul
- PvE Consumable Cost Changes
- PvE Artillery Changes
- Matchmaker 2.0
Apart from the new features, a large number of game corrections including but not limited to vehicle performance adjustments, map balance and critical issue fixes was implemented as well.
New Features
Third Dealer Zhang Feng with 7 new Chinese MBTs
In 0.13 we've introduced our newest dealer, Zhang Feng! Originating from China, Zhang showed a knack for working with technology and electronics from childhood on. Later in life, he ended up graduating from BIT's School of Materials Science & Engineering, before working with a handful of classmates to build a military technology business, where he took a position as head researcher. To begin with, Feng is offering 7 new Chinese vehicles to players with more nations to come!
- Type 59 (Tier 3)
- Type 69-II (Tier 4)
- Type 80-II (Tier 5)
- Type 85-IIM (Tier 6)
- Type 90-II (Tier 7)
- Type 98 (Tier 8)
- WZ-1224 (Tier 5 Premium)
To unlock Feng's new line of vehicles, players must deal a set amount of damage to either PvP or PvE enemies while within 150 meters of another friendly vehicle. Alternatively, players can purchase the WZ-1224 which automatically unlocks the Type 59. Feng is said to have more vehicle lines from other well-known nations set to arrive in the coming future. More details can be found in our preview.
Coastal Threat Map
An otherwise peaceful town on the Mediterranean coastline has just seen the first glimmers of global conflict; destruction and devastation is left in the wake of armored combatants launching a siege on the area in order to take hold of its natural resources. With a forest burning at your back and wreckage to navigate in the tight urban sprawl, you must choose to traverse the city's broken streets or wide-open spaces of the docks to annihilate your enemies.
Coastal Threat spans 1200 x 1200 meters in size and is roughly comprised of one third urban areas intermixed with rolling terrain. While designed to offer players several different sections for head on engagements, Coastal Threat primarily focuses on mixed movement - enabling players to find plenty of routes to flank enemies or set up ambushes. More details can be found in our preview.
PvE and PvP Reward System Overhaul
In the previous rewards system, PvE had lower Gross credit earnings than PvP, but had virtually no costs (aside from consumables). While the net results for average matches were similar for players with average performance and no boosts, high performers and players with Premium Accounts or other multipliers didn't have an opportunity to shine.
We considered several options for addressing this, but ultimately, we decided that PvE needed to function more similarly to PvP in order for the systems to be equitable. We considered reintroducing ammo and repair costs, but those didn't scale properly for PvE maps. Instead, we've introduced a new cost - "Logistics Costs" - for PvE missions on Medium or higher difficulty, and vastly increased Gross rewards. This will make Medium or higher rewards more performance dependent, as well as benefit more from any kind of multipliers (such as Premium Accounts and Premium Tanks).
For more details about the PvE reward changes, please read our Developer Diary posts:
PvE Consumable Cost Changes
With the newly introduced Logistics Costs, we determined that the 'Field Maintenance Kit' Consumable added too much of a credit penalty when players opted to use one. We've since lowered the cost of the consumable across the board:
- Low-Tier Resupply Kit cost reduced from 4000 Credits to 2000 Credits
- Mid-Tier Resupply Kit cost reduced from 12000 Credits to 8000 Credits
- High-Tier Resupply Kit cost reduced from 20000 Credits to 14000 Credits
PvE Artillery Changes
AI-controlled artillery was changed to reduce the focus on a single player. More details are available in detailed patchnotes below.
Matchmaker 2.0
We've updated our matchmaking system to provide an overall better experience to players looking for more balanced matches. Previously, players would often find themselves placed against full platoons in higher-tiered vehicles without an equal number of equivalently tiered vehicles on their team.
Platoons will now be matched against equally tiered platoons or players who match the top tier in the platoon. For example, a platoon of 3 tier 8s can only get into a match if the match has three other tier 8s (platooned or not). Artillery is also more strictly matched so their tiers are balanced between the teams. While this means platoons will sometimes have to wait longer for a match, solo-queue players should now find themselves in matches with other similarly-tiered players and a balanced number of platoons.Additionally, solo-queue players should also find it easier to get into a match, even at higher tiers.
Finally, the introduction of Matchmaker 2.0 also brings with it new server-side controls which allow us to more easily tweak the matchmaking settings based on individual region needs.
List of 0.13.1881 Changes
Retrofit and Commander Changes
Retrofits and commanders previously unlocked by progressing through the Artillery line of vehicles have been duplicated to other vehicles. The Magnetic Actuator Retrofits can now be unlocked on the following vehicles:
- LAV-300 (Mk.1)
- B1 Centauro (Mk.2)
- M1128 MGS (Mk.3)
The Gyroscopic Stabilizer Retrofits can now be unlocked on the following vehicles:
- M551 Sheridan (Mk.1)
- Stingray 1 (Mk.2)
- XM8 (Mk.3)
The commander Freya Højbjerg can now also be unlocked on the BMD-1 and the commander Juan Carlos Miramon can now also be unlocked on the Swingfire. We've added a new retrofit called 'Reinforced Wheels'. As its name suggests, Reinforced Wheels improves the durability of your vehicle's wheels and treads by adding additional hit points to the module. The Reinforced Wheels Retrofits are unlocked on the following vehicles:
- Mk.1 is given out automatically to all players
- Type 69-II (Mk.2)
- Type 90-II (Mk.3)
The Mk.1 and Mk.2 variants of the Enhanced Oil Cooling Retrofit can now be unlocked on the following vehicles:
- Type 59 (Mk.1)
- Type 85 II-M (Mk.2)
Component & Crew Damage Adjustments
- Reducing saved component damage percentage from 50% to 30%. However, components will now take less damage if their saving throws succeed
- Saving throws have gone up for all components. All components got a 5% increase except for crew and gas tanks, which got a 10% increase. It will be harder to deal maximum damage to these components
- Hit points have been slightly increased for all components, except for treads, which now take 2 critical hit shots to destroy
- Repair speed has been increased for tracks and engines. Tracks now repair in 6 seconds, engines in 7 seconds
- Destroying an external gas tank now has a 35% chance to start a fire on the vehicle
- Destroying an external gas tank now also causes a 5% penalty to vehicle traverse speed
- While the external gas tank is in the destroyed state, there is a 15% greater chance the engine could catch fire if it is shot
- Fire damage to internal components has been slightly decreased. Fewer components should now enter the damaged state after a fire starts
Other Changes
- Added modern camouflage pattern
- Small repair and first aid kits now instantly repair a damaged component/crew if there was only one available to fix
- Players can now hold their left mouse button down while reloading to immediately begin firing once the reload has completed
- The match timer will now only appear after the match countdown ends. Previously, the two were overlapping
- Adjusted ramming damage so players are less likely to take damage by simply sideswiping another vehicle
- Ramming damage will now mostly occur only in head-on collisions
- Added a new counter-battery notification sound
- Updated the PvE post-match screen to show the primary and secondary objective rewards as separate values
- Removed the full-screen effect when hit by an enemy. Players will now see two new border flashes, one for penetrating shots (red) and non-penetrating shots (grey). These hit flashes will flash in the direction of the hit
- Added Artillery Direct Hits, Splash Hits and Misses to the 'Detailed Stats' tab on the post-match screen
- Changed the HP reticle readout to display the exact remaining HP versus total HP available
- Players are now always set to "unready" after switching teams in a Custom Match
- Added 'Rate of Fire' to the vehicle stats panel
- Added a shortcut when right clicking on an ammo type or retrofit to jump to the respective entry in the tech tree
- Single clicking (in addition to existing double click) a selected vehicle will now cause the service menu to appear
- An error message has been added for when a player tries to accept a platoon invite while already in queue
- Designers have done a pass on the Minimal Client window to polish UI elements
- Unspent Vehicle Reputation tooltip has been polished to provide more clarification as to its contentsIn-match UI now hides chat and notifications when there is no new information to be shown or no on-going chat
- Group Chats can now be created and named using Cyrillic letters
- A message about decal renting periods will now appear in the UI notifications and notices
- Designers have done a pass on UI notifications to add more uniformity
Added support for connecting Armored Warfare to a Facebook account to easily share screenshots from the Garage to Facebook. To connect a Facebook account:
- Click the "Share" button underneath the "Mission" button in the Navigation Bar and then click the Facebook icon, this will take a screenshot of the garage and open the Facebook login page
- Login to Facebook and follow the prompts
- Once you have granted Armored Warfare permission to post to your Facebook account it will post the screenshot to your Facebook wall
- Now anytime you click the "Share" button Facebook will immediately take a screenshot and post it to the connected Facebook account
To disconnect Armored Warfare from the currently connected Facebook account:
- Go to Settings -> Social and click "Disconnect Facebook"
In the future we will add more sharing options for those who want to share their successes in Armored Warfare on other social media platforms.
- Implemented a Base Tutorial F1 screen
Armor Rebalance
In order to improve the reward for successfully flanking enemy main battle tanks from behind, a global armor adjustment has been done on all MBTs from Tier 2 to Tier 9. This results in an effective reduction of roughly 20% armor protection on the rear portion of the hull from Tiers 2 through 6 and 40% for Tiers 7 to 9. The nominal values for tank armor will not be changing, only the composition of the steel.
This change is primarily benefits automatic cannons; there should no longer be cases of MBTs being completely impervious to damage regardless of where they are shot - attacking from directly behind should always result in penetration. Behavior amongst TDs, MBTS and LTs should be unaffected. This is the beginning of a broader iteration to normalize MBT weak points, with MBT side armor being the next portion to be evaluated on a vehicle by vehicle basis.
The BMP-1P wasn't as clear of an upgrade over the original BMP-1. As such, we've given it several firepower improvements:
- HE damage increased by 10%
- Rate of Fire with all standard rounds increased by 10%
- Rate of Fire with ATGMs increased by 20%
- Aim-time decreased from 2.8 seconds to 2.6
M1 Abrams
- The M1 Abrams model has undergone a significant rework
- Fixed an issue where the gun barrel would clip through vehicle hull when lowered and slightly turnedFixed an issue where vehicle suspension was set to the wrong height
- Fixed an issue that was causing the vehicle reverse lights to lack a destroyed state
Type 59 Legend
- Fire and smoke now come out of the engine deck in the proper areas
- Fixed an issue where the treads on the destroyed version of the Type 59 were undamaged
- Fixed an issue with the T-62's tow cable appearing too shiny
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle texture on the turret was incorrect
- Fixed an issue where the front roller was turned around
While the BMP-2 isn't suffering quite as much as the BMP-3 and BMP-3M (see below), it's still performing somewhat below standards, and we're giving it some minor improvements that are appropriate for the theme of the line.
- Autocannon clip reload time decreased from 7.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds
- ATGM reload time decreased from 16 seconds to 14.29 seconds
The BMP-3 has always been more of a brawler/skirmisher than most AFVs, but it's lacked the efficacy to make that style as viable as it should be. We've made a broad range of improvements focused on increasing its close combat effectiveness.
- 100mm gun damage increased from 314 to 329
- 30mm stock AP damage increased from 68 to 75
- 30mm upgraded AP damage increased from 72 to 78
- 30mm stock HE damage increased from 51 to 56
- 30mm upgraded HE damage increased from 54 to 59
- Stock ATGM damage increased from 597 to 653
- Upgraded ATGM damage increased from 656 to 686
- Autocannon clip reload time decreased from 7.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds
- 100mm gun peak accuracy improved from 0.136 to 0.125
- 30mm gun peak accuracy improved from 0.1466 to 0.125
- ATGM reload time decreased from 13.33 seconds to 11.25 seconds
Similar to the BMP-3, we've made some improvements to the BMP-3M to increase its brawling prowess.
- 100mm gun damage increased from 378 to 401
- 30mm stock AP damage increased from 88 to 90
- 30mm upgraded AP damage increased from 92 to 95
- 30mm stock HE damage increased from 66 to 68
- 30mm first upgrade damage increased from 69 to 71
- 30mm second upgrade damage increased from 71 to 73
- Stock ATGM damage increased from 686 to 751
- Autocannon clip reload time decreased from 7.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds
- Upgraded ATGM damage increased from 755 to 789
- Autocannon clip reload time decreased from 7.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds
- 100mm gun peak accuracy improved from 0.129 to 0.12
- 30mm gun peak accuracy improved from 0.139 to 0.12
- ATGM reload time decreased from 11.76 seconds to 11.11 seconds
The LAV-300 is in a pretty good place, but it needs some minor improvements to increase its reliability and ease of use. We've increased its camo factor slightly to make it easier to stay concealed and provide synergy with the Tank Destroyer class ability, as well as given it some minor improvements to gun performance.
- Camo factor improved from 0.25 to 0.28
- Targeting Time decreased from 3.3 seconds to 3 seconds
- Peak accuracy improved from 0.136 to 0.12
- Hit Points increased from 1095 to 1205
Similar to the LAV-300, the LAV-600 is performing just below average on most statistics. We're giving it a number of minor improvements similar to the ones we're giving the LAV-300, which we feel will help make it easier to use and more fun to play.
- Camo factor improved from 0.25 to 0.28
- Targeting Time decreased from 3 seconds to 2.7 seconds
- Peak accuracy improved from 0.099 to 0.09
- Hit Points increased from 1660 to 1830
M8 Thunderbolt II
The M8 Thunderbolt is doing just slightly below average on match performance, but it doesn't feel like it's a significant enough upgrade over previous vehicles in the line. We're giving it some improvements that should help make it an excellent skirmisher without making it overwhelmingly potent.
- Reload time decreased from 7.62 seconds to 6.63 seconds
- Stock AP penetration increased from 564 to 592
- First AP upgrade penetration increased from 592 to 621
- Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 602 to 654
- Stock HEAT penetration increased from 496 to 521
- Upgraded HEAT penetration increased from 519 to 544
- Targeting Time decreased from 3 seconds to 2.8 seconds
We've improved the accuracy of the T-64 to be closer to the accuracy of an upgraded T-62
- Peak accuracy improved from 0.164 to 0.148
Other Changes
- Tank Destroyers - fixed an issue which sometimes caused the cooldown timer for the TD ability 'Gun Suppression' to show up twice
- Chieftain Mk6 - removed the Chieftain Mk6 prerequisite tool-tip since it has none
- Leopard 2A6 - fixed an issue where Alpha and Beta decals were improperly flipped on the right side of the turret
- M1A1 - fixed an issue where the vehicle suspension was set to the wrong height
- M109 - fixed an issue that was causing the bags and gear on the back of the vehicle to have no Level of Detail
- T-64 - fixed an issue that was causing grass and mud to clip through the vehicles mudflaps while it was driving
- Object 430 - fixed an issue where weapons and ammo were not at the correct caliber
- FV101 Scorpion - fixed an issue that was causing dark textures to appear on the vehicles destroyed state
- T-90 - fixed an issue that was showing the same information for the V-92 Diesel and V-92 S2 Diesel engines
- BMPT - fixed an issue where the vehicle was missing an exhaust grill
- Designers have done a pass on the following maps to fix minor audio, terrain, camera, and map asset issues: Pipelines, Reactor, River Point, Lost Island
- Designers have done a global shadow & vegetation pass for consistency and optimization
- Platoon members will now spawn near each other on all PvP maps
Lost Island
- Designers have completed an optimization pass to reduce the performance impact of Lost Island's vegetation when set to low
- Fixed an issue where capture circles and flares would be the incorrect color after reconnecting to the match
River Point
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle range finder was intermittently disappearing
- Fixed an issue at G5 where players were unable to shoot between the building and destroyed airplane wing
- Added cover for the North team in order for them to counter the F0/G0 spots
- Adjusted the potential spotting areas on the hill at C6/C7 that allowed players from the north to quickly spot players exiting their spawn from the south
- Added spots of cover to prevent the North team from spotting the South team as they head from the spawn area to the refinery area
- Reduced the amount of cover available to the South team at H8/H9 in order to make it on-par with the North team's equivalent cover
- Designers have done a pass on the following maps to fix minor audio, terrain, camera, and map asset issues: Ghost Hunter, Perseus, Onyx, Rolling Thunder, Scorpio, Anvil, Life Jacket, Phalanx, Spearhead, Stormy Night, Red Opossum, Hydra, Sapphire, Ricochet
- A pass has been done across several PvE maps to fix numerous instances of visual and collision bugs present
- Removed the restriction preventing players from being able to one-shot AI vehicles
PvE Artillery Adjustments
Reduced the desire for AI Artillery to fixate on just one target during a match. Previously, up to three Artillery were allowed to target a single player. This has been changed to two on hard. On easy/medium, only 1 arty should target a player at once. The only exception to this is if a player gets within 150m of an AI Artillery. Doing so will cause it to "panic" and have an increased chance to fire at the nearby player. Artillery that are panicked do not count towards the maximum number of Artillery allowed to fire at one target. AI Artillery will also still favor player Artillery greatly, but they will not fixate on it to the exclusion of other players. Further Artillery PvE changes:
- Changed the priority weights on SPG AI to encourage it to change targets if it can't see a particular enemy
- Moved Artillery Line-of-Sight checks to the LoS manager and added the current LoS to the SPG targeting logic
- AI will now attempt to target weak points starting with only MBTs on medium
- Added Commander Sight and Gunner Sight as weak points for AI Artillery to target
- Fixed an issue where visibility wasn't being tracked properly for counter-battery targets
- Modified how turret yaw and pitch affected enemy AI spread values to make the AI less accurate while aiming at a moving target
- Fixed an issue with AI Artillery not waiting until it was properly aimed at a target before firing
- Fixed an issue where AI would fire when their target was directly behind the AI's turret
- Fixed an issue where AI would potentially shoot before they were aimed directly at a target
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause AI not to fire if it was attempting to target weak points too far away from the center of its target vehicle
- Cleaned up AI weak point targeting code
- Fixed an issue where shell craters around the map were too deep causing players to get stuck in them
- Fixed an issue where enemy AI would spawn around and on top of players near the secondary objective
Ghost Hunter
- Fixed an issue where enemy AI would sometimes drown itself at the start of the mission
- Fixed an issue where trees around the central plaza were behaving erratically after collision
- Designers have completed an optimization pass to reduce performance issues on Harbinger caused by vegetation shadows and distant buildings
- Adjusted the cap circle so that it no longer sits on top of props
- Fixed an issue where the mission would not end after destroying all enemy AI
- Adjusted AI timers to provide players with more time to reach the last objective before AI capture it
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could get stuck at G6
- Fixed an issue where players could exit the map boundaries.
Life Jacket
- Moved the player artillery spawn point so that they now spawn behind the rest of the team
- Adjusted the spawn timings to help prevent AI vehicles from spawning next to players
- Slightly re-balanced Onyx by removing a wave of enemy AI spawns at the end
- Lengthened the secondary objective timer
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on the hill at G6
- Fixed an issue where enemy AI reinforcements would not show up if players killed all AI before entering the cap circle
- Fixed an issue where players could get on top of the mountain at F4/G4
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind the second capture point at G6
- Fixed an issue where some AI did not attempt to capture the third objective point
- Fixed a grammatical issue with the opening mission description
- Fixed an issue where players were able to get stuck on the bridge
- Designers have completed an optimization pass to reduce the performance issues on Quarterback caused by vegetation shadows and particle emitters
- Fixed an issue where the mission would not end after destroying all enemy AI
Red Opossum
- Fixed an issue where players could exit the map boundaries
- Fixed missing SFX from the 'Victory' cut-scene
- Fixed missing SFX from the 'Defeat' cut-scene
- Fixed an issue where some AI did not attempt to capture the third objective point
- Updated some of the AI artillery spawn points
- Reduced overall spawns and adjusted the timing of the initial north and south waves
- Adjusted enemy Artillery boundaries
Rolling Thunder
- Fixed missing SFX from the 'Victory' cut-scene
- Fixed an issue where the mission would not end after destroying all enemy AI
- Fixed an issue where audio SFX were not sounding for vehicle or tower fires
Starry Night
- Adjusted player spawn locations
- Added a delay between when an objective finishes and the next begins
- Added a delay before enemy AI begins to capture the third objective point
- Fixed an issue where some AI did not attempt to capture the third objective point
- Updated the minimap
- Fixed an issue that was causing players in SPGs to spawn too close to the proximity of the enemy AI
- Fixed an issue where secondary objectives still displayed as active on the minimap after the timer had expired
- Fixed an issue where secondary objectives did not show up in-game
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at H8
- Fixed an issue where players could drive underwater and not sink in some areas
- Fixed an issue where players could exit the map boundaries
- Fixed an issue where team lists where highlightable in-match even without pressing control
- Fixed an issue where players could be crushed to death by a dead vehicle's turret
- Fixed an issue where observer's camera can get stuck inside tanks models while in custom match mode
- Fixed an issue where decals were disappearing from vehicle turrets mid-battle
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could still see the location of enemy vehicles once they had moved out of viewing range
- Fixed an issue where the submerged timer in-match was missing a digit
- Fixed an issue where disconnected players were seeing the capture circles in-match with changed colors once reconnected
- Fixed an issue where PvE AI was able to shoot through buildings and walls
- Fixed an issue that was causing enemies on the minimap to jump around and disappear in random intervals
- Fixed an issue where the VO for Ammo Rack Repair was missing
User Interface and Garage
- Fixed an issue where the UI would sometimes become non-responsive to mouse input
- Fixed an issue where a selected consumable in-game would not appear correctly while choosing a module to repair
- Removed numbers/hotkeys above consumables once a single consumable has been chosen
- Changed the 'Purchase Gold' text color to gold
- Recalculated the Stat Bar values displayed in the dealer trees for some vehicles
- Implemented various re-sizing and resolution fixes when swapping from windowed to full-screen mode
- Fixed an issue where the Custom Match and Global Chat windows could get partially stuck off-screen
- Fixed an issue where players were able to click on the vehicle progress bar through the PvE Mission Select screen
- Fixed an issue where extra space between consumable titles and their respective abilities would sometimes be present
- Fixed an issue where the bonus from the Air Conditioner module was not being displayed properly
- Fixed an issue where zooming in and out of the upgrade menu would cause text stretching at lower resolutions
- Fixed an issue where changes in the graphics or sound settings would default the global sounds to be minimum
- Fixed an issue where in the Battalion window, updates weren't showing after recent invites to the Battalion were accepted
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to set a Daily Message in their Battalion
- Fixed an issue where the name of the inviter for a custom match was appearing in notices instead of the invitee
- Fixed an issue where adding certain symbols in a group name made the group appear invisible
- Fixed an issue where a Battalion's members online count was incorrectly calculating the amount of individuals online
- Fixed an issue that was showing longer usernames on two lines in-match
- Fixed an issue that was labeling Custom Match invites as group invites
- Fixed an issue where the AW logo on the username entry screen was being cutoff
- Fixed an issue where the AW logo on the loading screen was scaled too large
- Fixed an issue with 16:10 resolution that was causing a letterbox to appear at the top and bottom of the loading screen
- Fixed an issue where the text on the disconnection icon was appearing off-center
- Fixed an issue that was causing platoon tool-tips to be missing
- Fixed an issue where the consumable auto-resupply was purchasing new consumables instead of using consumables already in the player's inventory
- Fixed an issue where certain players could not unlock the desert base paints. Players who have yet to unlock these paints will need to play the full amount of games for each desert paint variant as originally intended
- Fixed an issue where unequipped ammo would be loaded again right after unlocking other ammo
- Adjusted the Base view so that the objects outside of the Garage matched those seen inside
- Fixed an issue where the PvE Mission Select screen would not close when clicking a Base notification or when selecting the "Base" tab
- Fixed an issue where a player could ready up while being unassigned in a Custom Match lobby
- Fixed an issue where a player who had left the Custom Match lobby could still be set as an observer
- Fixed an issue with long usernames in Custom Matches
- Fixed an issue where friend names would sometimes not properly display upper case letters after adding
- Removed the 'Best Available' flag from artillery support rounds in the ammo tab
- Fixed an issue with lengthy Battalion names being cutoff when viewing it in Battalion chat
- Fixed an issue where players could not invite non-friends to a platoon from global chat
- Fixed an issue that was resulting in Base UI and Garage UI to overlap
- Fixed an issue where the garage idle camera cinematic was playing while in the custom match lobby
- Fixed an issue where the PvE Mission button in platoons was being grayed-out but becoming available once the platoon joined a PvP match
- Fixed an issue that was causing the pause menu sound to continue playing even after un-pausing the game
- Fixed an issue where vehicle SFX was getting stuck on loop while switching camera modes
- Fixed an issue where commander VO was playing despite that the commander was incapacitated Fixed an issue that was resulting in the options menu audio to continue playing after leaving the options menu