During their ongoing discussions with the Armored Warfare players, the developers and producers have unveiled some of the plans for the future of Armored Warfare. Here is the summary of some of the features that will appear in the game in the future.
The following features will be implemented in the game:
- The T-80 will receive ERA and a smoke grenade launcher
- The RDF/LT will receive a smoke grenade launcher
- The ability to create dynamic platoons in battles
- Alternative guns for premium vehicles (for example ATGM launchers or autocannons)
- An Anti-botting system (preventing bot users from receiving any rewards)
- AFV matchmaking based on their roles (scouts versus damage dealers, so cases where one team has 3 DRACOs and the other 3 CRABs don’t happen)
The following features will be discussed internally by the producers and Obsidian Entertainment (which does not guarantee their introduction):
- The ability to chat with players without adding them to the Friend List
- Bonus for artillery for destroying other artillery vehicles
- Adding drones such as the Predator to the game
The following issues will be corrected in upcoming updates:
- The Challenger 2 commander cupola’s left side is too vulnerable
- Several MBT hull sides have incorrect collision models, allowing players to penetrate them easily
- Several Cold Strike and Roughneck objects are missing textures
- The Highwall map is poorly balanced in Encounter mode
- The penetration indicator lights up on unspotted targets
- Tanks get “glued together” during collisions, reducing the speed of both vehicles excessively
- The T-90MS is too vulnerable to HE shells
- Trees are not always falling in the right direction when knocked down
- The Zhalo-S has different gun depression depending on whether the player is in 3rd person or sniper view
Miscellaneous information from the developers:
- Spotting by artillery illumination shells is working correctly, Tier 6 artillery for example receives 10 reputation points per spotting of an enemy vehicle, the same as other classes of the same tier
- Statistically, the T-90MS is more resistant to HEAT shells than the M1A2 Abrams
- ATGM velocity in Armored Warfare is not constant – missiles accelerate through their flight, because the earlier constant velocity caused gameplay issues
- The developers are investigating an issue where the turret roof armor of certain vehicles is apparently too easy to penetrate
- The developers have found no evidence that the “shot delay” issue is tied to anything but server lag. Server power will be increased to resolve this issue
- Further base development will take place, but the developers will first introduce a Trophy system and a Crew and Commander system overhaul
- The developers will add a rewind function to the Replay system
- The MBT class is currently earning slightly more Reputation and Credits than other classes
- Introducing rewards for “tanking” (deflecting shots by armor) for the MBT class would result in excessive income for this class. Such a bonus would have to be introduced along with either a reduction of other types of income, or with a buff for other classes
- One of the most important things the developers are working on is game optimization for low-end computers, which is coming in Update 0.15
- Improvements to the Chat system will come within the next three months
The developers have also tested an issue reported by players where the maximum speed of certain Light Tanks and AFVs such as the M8 or BMD-4 dropped in 0.14. It was discovered that the maximum speed was indeed slightly reduced from 0.13 – but only by 1-2 km/h, which is well within acceptable parameters. Another reported issue where it is possible to drive vehicles faster than their maximum speed on hard surfaces was not confirmed either, even with retrofits and consumables.
That's it for today! We will see you on the battlefield!