The latest community contest has come to a close and it's time to reveal the winner! Before we do we wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the community for participating in the contest so thank you!
There were a bunch of superb entries which made judging this contest particularly difficult but after quite a bit of internal debate we finally chose the top 10. We had a lot of trouble choosing the overall winner who will receive a t-shirt, so we ended up picking two people to share the top spot! Each will receive a T-Shirt featuring their design!
Please join us in congratulating the winners:
1 GRAND WINNER 1 JVdragobomba

2 GRAND WINNER 2: Panzerfahrer_Fritz

3 Runner Up 1: ABZ4532

4 Runner Up 2: Cnckiwi

5 Runner Up 3: DJScott

6 Runner Up 4: fourzero

7 Runner Up 5: Gnidozaurus

8 Runner Up 6: JzKezz

9 Runner Up 7: majkmajk

10 Runner Up 8: NEZTaihou

Winners should be receiving PMs soon with more information. If you are one of the grand prize winners, please have your original source images ready to send us!