Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are happy to announce the Get your Gold Back event!
From the 31st of August 00:01 CEST (30th of August 3:01 PM PDT) to the 1st of September 9:00 CEST (0:01 PDT), players who spend Gold on any item available either within the game or on the Armored Warfare website will receive all the spent Gold back in 14 days (on the 14th of September)!
Important: Please note that only the Gold that was purchased during this event will be returned.
Gold, purchased before the event will not be returned. A player, who purchases 6000 Gold during the event but spends 7000 Gold will only receive 6000 Gold on the 14th of September.
Don't forget about our other offers:
- Gold Bonus (ends on the 1st of September, 9:00 AM CEST/0:01 AM PDT)
- Legendary Summer Sale (ends on the 1st of September, 13:00 CEST/4:00 AM PDT)
We hope you will enjoy this offer and will see you on the battlefield!