Welcome to the newest issue of the Community Highlight series, dedicated to the community members of Armored Warfare and their contributions. Find out more about the game, learn something new and check out the cool community content!
Black Friday Special Winners
As a part of the Black Friday Special event and the Reaper Encore that followed, we promised to give 200 players the Gold they spent during the Black Friday sales back. Here are the 200 lucky winners!
Please note that the names are listed alphabetically and correspond to Portal/Forum account nicknames, not the in-game nicknames. Users named "u_XXXXXXX" are active users who did not select their Portal/Forum nickname yet.
- Admiral5306
- AirBear
- AkellaES
- akkarin92
- Asocik
- Baal_Anat
- Badvantage
- Bane_80
- BeardCat
- Belkinge
- BellJack95
- black_shadow
- blacknee1979
- BlackxXx
- BLAZE 511
- Blechbatscher
- Blondy75
- Borack
- BorealDemon
- Boycey
- Briese
- Buko
- Butch3rbird
- calagan
- CaptainHero
- CaptainJake
- cgralphy
- Cinder
- Conmas
- Cool_Breeze
- corniellus
- Creaven
- Crossair
- Darktide1
- Dawntracker
- DeflesheD
- Deio
- Deusit
- Downtown35
- Dragonseye2020
- durchgekaut
- DVDLoneWolf
- Echo16
- El1Te 5nIpEr
- eldsmidur
- Equinox99
- Ewald_von_Kleist
- EZ Target
- Ferrell31
- fightin irish
- Freak2
- GabSte1989
- Gammasix
- gerardmck
- GlassQueen
- Gogma
- gonzo1972
- gorac
- H3fty
- Hederah
- herrnilzzon
- Hunkpapa
- chard
- Ishamael
- Itherael
- JackTheFlipper
- john67
- JohnnyWalkerr
- Joker169
- keef24
- kenchan
- Kittiebeest
- Konami
- Kormac1
- ktaeek
- Kuroko
- leokris
- LeoSayersWig
- loralion
- Luka
- LukeKenobi
- maxmize
- Minestorm11
- Mko0
- Motor_Dildo
- MrEdweird
- MrSisterFister
- mthomm
- Nimrod2604
- Noobdown
- Norris78
- NorTig
- Nuke4u_nu
- OInfernalO
- Oldman62
- OldManOnline
- Onyxnoir
- OpaUnger325
- Ostfan
- ozdegenc
- Pinkie
- Pippi
- poseiton
- Princess__Luna
- Ptitluc65
- Putt_Putt_Bang
- PzArtBtl155
- Raven9910
- Redearth356
- reini
- Renegade334
- Sacoel
- Samarqand
- Samax
- sandorati
- Septimus84
- Shane_Gooseman
- shashka
- showtech
- SirLagginton
- sixkiller26
- sixpack
- Some_one
- steelfoot62
- steher64
- Stevelubi
- Stone2015
- Systemkiller
- Sz4w3L
- t-62
- TaiwanAssassin
- terrorist60
- The_HufflePuff
- ThePorkButcher
- theTOMinator
- ThunderCrackers
- TibiTK
- Tigeriron
- u_3944575
- u_4052453
- u_4509386
- u_4810735
- u_4964087
- u_5884693
- u_5923225
- u_5931855
- u_5962918
- u_5988176
- u_6013387
- u_6196257
- u_6372930
- u_6376892
- u_6434813
- u_6472749
- u_6496744
- u_6550843
- u_6573870
- u_6693550
- u_7063021
- u_7297926
- u_7406710
- u_7857665
- u_7887314
- u_8177874
- u_8299259
- u_8683287
- u_8821204
- u_9068923
- u_9266645
- u_9281150
- u_9400205
- u_9423218
- u_9586554
- u_9724043
- u_9809041
- u_9858738
- universalspirits
- user_3586843
- user_3602841
- Vegeta171282
- Viperfan
- von_Rummelsdorf
- WarDummy
- Warhorse_6
- warpath_delta
- Weaselbuster
- Winchester93
- woeness66
- Xarak
- XDash911
- Yomincarr
- Zepowiec
- ZeroTheBlackWolf
- ZoneTrooper
- Zonetrooper4444
Official Events This Week
This week is dedicated to Balance 2.0 - learn about the upcoming massive changes and stay tuned for more information coming soon!
Community Content
DontFearDaReaper - Swingfires Gone Wild
DasMoss - Shock and Awe ("what happens when three bomber Wildcards are triggered at once")
Lightfoot Freddy - 2x Begleitpanzer 57 with total 14k+ Damage and 13 Kills
iGhost - BMP-3 Montage
And last but not least, here are some amazing Armored Warfare pictures by Füchschen
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time!