The Storyline Campaign is over. It’s been a long and often bumpy road from the launch of the campaign to the end and we’d like to thank you for your participation.
1061 players have completed the entire campaign and will receive the ultimate prize – the Abrams AGDS Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer!
EU name, NA name
- Spyder Spyder
- n45c4r n45c4r
- DC_Skyeye DC_Skyeye
- tarojiro tarojiro
- ISecutorI ISecutorI
- Squadman89 Squadman89
- reditelvesmiru reditelvesmiru
- Movodor Movodor
- EarlofGrey 166603_newU
- The_Swed The_Swed
- sebastor sebastor
- 543010_newU Capaneus
- m4st3r m4st3r
- Ceres Ceres
- Hfero 163250_newU
- MrDotWrong MrDotWrong
- Phontomen Phontomen
- Walderian Walderian
- Ruggedfun Ruggedfun
- N3cr0n0m Kyle_Katarn
- EchoSierraAlpha EchoSierraAlpha
- Querulous Querulous
- ColonelMoss ColonelMoss
- Tevix Tevix
- Noobdown Noobdown
- 875399_newU skullwolf
- Atzewell 163942_newU
- PanJelen PanJelen
- Vandorlo 164506_newU
- Lifeless 164466_newU
- madman_24 madman_24
- SuLac0 RiP426
- Rachmaninow Rachmaninow
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- BonesRocker 165233_newU
- erad8r erad8r
- LofW LofW
- Schlock Semicolonoscopy
- Delta Delta
- piterk piterk
- General_Jeno General_Jeno
- Jecklen_Hyde Jecklen_Hyde
- Foxhound1 166187_newU
- Flo_HF Flo_HF
- Exaxxion Exaxxion
- Blondy75 Blondy75
- RUSSification RUSSification
- Rangulf Rangulf
- CptnBeefy 403095_newU
- szaman_44 szaman_44
- HZero HZero
- katana84 katana84
- kurdi kurdi
- GrizzlyBear GrizzlyBear
- nikkon04 nikkon04
- The_Viking68 The_Viking68
- Serafin112 398053_newU
- Phoebus_Legend Phoebus_Legend
- Punisher2K Punisher2K
- Badysak Badysak
- MikeAvatar MikeAvatar
- CaptainFalcon CaptainFalcon
- Neryhc 391304_newU
- CapNax 403366_newU
- Steel_Cowboy Sgt_Reckless
- pah_mar pah_mar
- Doomturtle96 171976_newU
- StuH42 370012_newU
- vadda959 vadda959
- Eltanin Eltanin
- Morb 172832_newU
- MagnusBarca MagnusBarca
- Spichris Spichris
- Kasjusz67 386992_newU
- shomu1 shomu1
- prezestomas prezestomas
- narkisos narkisos
- Mitigator Mitigator
- PsiX PsiX
- chaimek chaimek
- Kramac Kramac
- darkseed darkseed
- xRudy102x RudyGTX
- Bobrovic 147593_newU
- fanatyk_stringów fanatyk_stringów
- delta7201 delta7201
- herald17 herald17
- Alpenvibes Alpenvibes
- Cerberus77 Cerberus77
- backup backup
- The-Madman 176573_newU
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- nmdelrio AnmdelrioW
- Marodeur Tiberwolf
- MrMakata 175932_newU
- DepletedUranium alucardo666
- Pythius Pythius
- EpicBaconStrips EpicBaconStrips
- Aryas Aryas
- Spitfire Spitfire
- Busko 177015_newU
- winter_night winter_night
- knausis knausis
- Muoteck Muoteck
- dogbert dogbert
- EsEsliErsan EsEsliErsan
- 189131_newU ZiggyZoggy
- ugsi Ugsi
- zefir2001 zefir2001
- Rollthor Rollthor
- mobil1 Exxonmobil
- Vionicks Vionicks
- Spacy Spacy
- AleSunTzu 3316431
- rampartt rampartt
- Cristi1970RO Cristi1970RO
- Mayneez 182057_newU
- vlad39 vlad39
- Gimlett Gimlett
- Presedinte93 Presedinte93
- Mandoleran Mandoleran
- furybond furybond
- Kraftsaft Kraftsaft
- Sevchenko Sevchenko
- tomast3x tomast3x
- Zeitung Zeitung
- Cyb3r Cyb3r
- b3nnjamin b3nnjamin
- Zipp Zipp
- AlphaDude AlphaDude
- Lexaurin olin1982cz
- lilmspopkornman lilmspopkornman
- UrsulPolar UrsulPolar
- Spearhead Spearhead
- StigmADiabolicuM StigmADiabolicuM
- sirGemZol sirGemZol
- ZooMsvk ZooMsvk
- Ragnarok_NL raggy
- Equinoxxx Equileos
- torjen torjen
- Tjoupak 184928_newU
- Schnakkel Schnakkel
- Darkwing Darkwing32052
- bisser0 bisser
- yakujinsama yakujinsama
- Sabrewolf Sabrewolf
- Quaksen Quaksen
- MMARK969 mmark696
- Javar Javar
- Kempes Kempes
- macieklu macieklu
- Eric_Wulfen Eric_Wulfen
- Viper87 KERMIT
- cyclops 346581_newU
- Ondrej Ondrej
- InnerSpace InnerSpace
- Yelayah Yelayah
- NeunFingerJoe NeunFingerJoe
- MArQS 187289_newU
- Pitchblack21 Pitchblack21
- zordo zordo
- Citadela Citadela
- pSychOs pSychOs
- CrazyMouse CrazyMouse
- Havoc199 Havoc199
- miarka20 miarka20
- Secret_Bogey Yngwie079
- Zel0th Zel0th
- Xandrass Xandrass
- martinlord martinlord
- fezk12 fezk12
- FroxyCz 189996_newU
- madmaxx12 madmaxx12
- SirMushy SirMushy
- miodu miodu
- Aken Aken
- KR1ST0F 191596_newU
- polo4polo polo4polo
- Rammstein0123456 Rammstein0123456
- Blopap Blopap
- Hawk91 188787_newU
- Bareideru Bareideru
- Ragenall Ragenall
- H0bg0bl1n H0bg0bl1n
- MajCupCake 412186_newU
- Miranda Miranda
- waidler waidler
- Thrai 194240_newU
- mrowa 195078_newU
- Lacoka Lacoka
- Gorrann Gorrann
- Eisenherz Eisenherz
- Tyutyu 147169_newU
- Aiatola Aiatola
- Tyrant Tyrant
- Plesje 240847_newU
- Kris2002 Kris2002
- roblud2004 roblud2004
- Ptah12 Ptah12
- Baksiu Baksiu
- Masterofpuppets Masterofpuppets
- Schime 338507_newU
- Krosulh Krosulh
- Wolfaar 199908_newU
- ArchRaziel 200162_newU
- LoveCrusader LoveCrusader
- FusigonusPuf 200981_newU
- Vaaco Vaaco
- CannonFodderPL 201148_newU
- Velocy Velocy
- Jhungry Jhungry
- Borogim 202317_newU
- Talo Talo
- dfnce dfnce
- Amppy Amppy
- Muauva 204396_newU
- kaakeli kaakeli
- retronymble retronymble
- Sterbehilfe_ev Sterbehilfe_ev
- LEGOLAS urNA8mare
- AnthraX1 AnthraX00001
- RenegadeNuke151 RenegadeNuke151
- VVOLFF 206228_newU
- mlody1982 mlody1982
- Alzoc Alzoc
- allexxx shadow999
- coolmancz11 coolmancz11
- DrAgon70 DrAgon70
- Horsy 388956_newU
- Flatliner_01 Flatliner_01
- TekNicTerror TekNicTerror
- Silverdagger Silverdagger
- Stahl230 209727_newU
- Omnidon Omnidon
- Icicle Frozen
- Arcticwolfbz Arcticwolfbz
- charly28981 charly28981
- Hades83PL 211906_newU
- DziadekSmerf DziadekSmerf
- Ectorr Ectorr
- st_vdg st_vdg
- Aphidion 213954_newU
- ImmortanJoe ImmortanJoe
- MakePeaceCZ MakePeaceCZ
- ceejee007 214978_newU
- squishypotato squishypotato
- Weber13 577464_newU
- KengoesBOOM KenGoesBoom
- ryder sorry2
- CursedShadows CursedShadows
- shnoopx shnoopx
- Mumm-Ra 389615_newU
- AgaOdorox AgaOdorox
- guarah Guarah
- Torre Torre
- Alex_Munro Alex_Munro
- Yuserac 79611_newU
- BlaneS 150380_newU
- HanysB 220186_newU
- jadmanthrat 220983_newU
- Lukybeer Lukybeer
- KosmicK KosmicK
- 231905_newU Y_KEITA
- Louis_Pasteur Hallelujah
- Prutsar 223940_newU
- rabbit rabbit
- Mir072 law1972
- Maugan_Xe Maugan_Xe
- dqle dqle
- Konis Konis
- Wiser_Guy Wiser_Guy
- nitrobewer 227126_newU
- Apuk 227301_newU
- koliz_1972 koliz_1972
- SK597 SK597
- Niemic23 228651_newU
- ADoorMat ADoorMat
- DoomedGrind DoomedGrind
- nasciturus nasciturus
- FeelOfDanger FeelOfDanger
- Stuntman_Bob Stuntman_Bob
- Aiiro Aiiro
- generalD98 generalD98
- Wraykez Wraykez
- Admiral_Jachas 232768_newU
- BlackPaw BlackPaw
- cybroghyrax cybroghyrax
- Arkeed Arkeed
- dgordan dgordan
- Pi0ve 235396_newU
- Mandrakas 236481_newU
- duckbill duckbill
- Brummi Brummi
- The_ThInG The_ThInG
- SMIRNOFPL 150961_newU
- SnowRaven SnowRaven
- Slow_As_Hell Slow_As_Hell
- Halfbreed 151385_newU
- clone_m clone_m
- AppyRose Appy
- Liquid_Soul 388647_newU
- LTVM ShermanCrab
- Doomgiver Doomgiver
- SilenceMoon SilenceMoon
- Dutzan 577516_newU
- Bum-Ro Bum-Ro
- Eil1999 Eil1999
- kasper1986 kasper1986x
- Nuisance_Value Nuisance_Value
- WÜSTENFUCHS1 Wüstenfuchs
- Malice Malice
- creed69 390658_newU
- Eispick Eispick
- scalar scalar
- Skua Skua
- raketenchali raketenchali
- Friponier Friponier
- Leonluis 375501_newU
- N7EagIe 391246_newU
- Spacy_2263 382817_newU
- JustANewb JustANewb
- Pog1 397823_newU
- MorGalid MorGalid
- Giana ElGiana
- Attila0678 Attila0678
- 619701_newU JeyJ13
- Yuki_Kymeri Yuki_Kymeri
- MrCain 369972_newU
- KonradElitePL KonradElitePL
- killer42 killer42
- Butch3rbird 147201_newU
- ikinoki 388895_newU
- SirKlasu SirKlasu
- Lautkunst Lautkunst
- KawaiiPanzer KawaiiPanzer
- PhantomF4F 343169_newU
- H3lbrecht 464445_newU
- voxx22 385871_newU
- Primer PRIMER
- Salker 389145_newU
- Wallo 391550_newU
- Rotfuchs Schneefuchs
- SFranz SFranz
- frogi21a 243630_newU
- Eisman72 Eisman72
- Femy Femy
- Shonetsu 396331_newU
- Mongo Mongo
- Bartender Bartender
- Maniacu 401853_newU
- Ashadak 153888_newU
- IronSurgeon 373818_newU
- Catov Catov
- Fe4tHeR 625386_newU
- Survion 618901_newU
- kika 414929_newU
- Tebor 241711_newU
- BlackSide BlackSide
- Dantaro Dantaro
- Topspin2005 396712_newU
- Kampfkarpfen Kampfkarpfen
- Domaseli Domaseli
- yankesikPL YankesikPL
- Wook44 Wook44
- WhoIsYourDaddy 397792_newU
- Örangyal Örangyal
- MeanAsHell MeanAsHell
- inside_tank inside_tank
- R-Sole 369906_newU
- Wncc1701p wncc1701p
- Carloveliki Carloveliki
- HeresJohnny HeresJohnny
- Vorasx Voras
- GeneralKnoweldge MajorDamage
- Mk1palmer Mk1palmer
- hohokol hohokol
- CharlieBravo65 CharlieBravo65
- Macaron 549830_newU
- Saboter Saboter
- needen 241528_newU
- VIDMO 577650_newU
- cyberseth4A10 cyberseth4A10
- Hoax15 Hoax15
- Tafano Tafano
- Yago Yago
- WhiteLion WhiteLion
- Antchy 252824_newU
- The5thchild The5thchild
- Raziel1 147511_newU
- Terminator Terminator
- thrstn3 thrstn3
- J3thr0 J3thr0
- Schnittertm Schnittertm
- lubos815 lubos815
- Thrillseeker Thrillskr
- 251481_newU goroupenguin
- Kaydenn Kaydenn
- Wulffrey Wulffrey
- Hunta Hunta
- Eypon Eypon
- Planeswalker 577661_newU
- Wotan Wotan
- 810413_newU Tachikoma_0808
- Johnny_Yuma Johnny_Yuma
- GobyWan GobyWanKenoby
- TheGhostPl 79007_newU
- Interceptor Interceptor
- Calix_cat Calix_cat
- Machabe Machabe
- IVa_Brigada IVa_Brigada
- Johnny17 280941_newU
- Eskobar68 Eskobar68
- Goldnoob Goldnoob
- LordDoe 247249_newU
- Bluebird79GER 740793_newU
- patmag29 patmag29
- aldocr2014 aldocr2014
- stargate stargate
- r4plez r4plez
- Hendrik Hendrik
- Istari Istari
- crusader_sk xtx77
- BestBaconEU BestBaconEU
- EbonyPhoenix EbonyPhoenix
- Uwotm8 Chingyboy
- Dzejro Dzejro
- Chapaman 282073_newU
- Slagiron Slagiron
- Haukon Haukon
- Rautakontti Rautakontti
- Dayan78 Dayan78
- Zimnoryjec Zimnoryjec
- AK47 AK47
- Hgwilli hgwilli
- MaddHatter MaddHatter
- Donkey46 Donkey46
- Sierra_R 244112_newU
- Garric Garric
- Apotheceus 147364_newU
- DjTasos 872397_newU
- Interfector keinesocke
- Huawei37 387704_newU
- Lassov Lassov
- Druschel Druschel
- olle71 394450_newU
- dartmor dartmor
- 550073_newU robertqin
- SilverEagle BlueEagle
- virus321 638161_newU
- fighter67 grisu
- Theido Theido
- Rinhord Rinhord
- robertkostrba Papen
- Slon 147585_newU
- bierek bierek
- puky_cro puky_cro
- Majklus Majklus
- Menoetius OldBuddy
- carra1971 carra1971
- Sgt_HW 774431_newU
- Silviu Silviu
- revolver275 revolver275
- aster1965 aster1965
- msgaard 393825_newU
- fel1x fel1x
- Laknat 304951_newU
- lipper lipper
- patpat666 patpat666
- WoClass-chan WoClass-chan
- Abyss Abyss
- katoda_ltd katoda_ltd
- Kris1212 Kris1212
- nikorian Nikorian
- Vell Vell
- Mike_CZ MikeVrbka
- patro123xd Daergbleidd
- SpaceGeneralHux 146997_newU
- GONZO1972 369436_newU
- kwade1911 kwade1911
- K2BlackPanther SU27
- Ultrazerglings Ultrazerglings
- sslayer sslayer
- Barga Barga
- ishamael ishamael
- Altair40 Altair50
- Zaunbrecher Zaunbrecher
- Mieszko2 402495_newU
- Marcus-Verus 79555_newU
- Kjusofnik Kjusofnik
- Carpathian_Wolf 243502_newU
- Klendatu Klendatu
- 250488_newU Chipinteo
- John_Pakovsky John_Pakovsky
- Unexist Unexist
- Jowisz1976 158429_newU
- RadekZ RadekZ
- Iron_Cross Iron_Cross
- Gepard_Neun Gepard_Neun
- ivand73 ivand73
- Tank_Sniper Tank_Sniper
- platynowytomek 246447_newU
- Lemmydanger Blechsoldat
- Jupester Jupester
- Scalnia Some_one
- mesio mesio
- 159106_newU PsyWarrior
- Jaegerblut Jaegerblut
- Zankteufel Zankteufel
- robert1982 robert1982
- Aorus_CZE 267168_newU
- tomtanc 246095_newU
- Kronos1952 254096_newU
- Kloudwolf Kloudwolf
- maxkilz Maxkilz
- Wroobelek Wroobelek
- Kertoja 243682_newU
- Herrusnak Herrusnak
- TrueRevan 409854_newU
- groudon 244979_newU
- pisquinho 760806_newU
- dennisthemenace dennisthemenace
- Ebony Ebony
- Roopom Roopom
- Perdita_Olio Perdita_Olio
- Mjolner Mjolner
- groszek7 groszek7
- Qlimax Qlimaxw
- wiktors3 wiktors3
- Blazsi14 Blazsi14
- CrisURace CrisURace
- Andro1d 577949_newU
- Cyrnial Cyrnial
- Muaddibb Muaddibb
- Schepard7 147519_newU
- Azarith Azarith
- yanlizkurt34 241558_newU
- TankXD777 249683_newU
- JuggernautiiX JuggernautiiX
- Antoku 242982_newU
- robertunio robertunio
- Jinxy Jinxy
- Parancsnok80 249418_newU
- irontango 243115_newU
- maxxx77 244613_newU
- Lord_Xenon 247209_newU
- VALQUIRIA 248316_newU
- MeKelGachy 247820_newU
- TankFrog TankFrog
- tomcat_SRB tomcat_from_SRB
- fungames 247466_newU
- Steel_Gentleman 248277_newU
- philzagaz 249851_newU
- Zocker1160 249421_newU
- thomasbangna thomasbangna
- zero_siedem US_zero_seven
- ilis 394554_newU
- Wredus 550853_newU
- Va1kyrie Va1kyrie
- redq redq
- ThePsychoCat ThePsychoCat
- Brainsick Brainsick
- FrankyNishizumi FrankyNishizumi
- Shaber28 380163_newU
- vali221 vali221
- Bongo123 577987_newU
- arturk33 254748_newU
- STALKER_007 drug_crni
- Cpt_israel Iziam
- Devasmat 404232_newU
- Dartten 410336_newU
- Ramore 321271_newU
- captlucsky 388697_newU
- Narnman Narnman
- jonn 388178_newU
- Ragadozo 397753_newU
- vaam63 254252_newU
- macle alpha3
- Wojtatx2 Wojtatx2
- Thakor 254502_newU
- Schmulius 385014_newU
- Xarven 255311_newU
- ninoxxx ninoxxx
- LooneyTunesShow 469954_newU
- Hlavatej 530166_newU
- Rogue1975 Rogue1975
- 508181_newU Erna
- punishEA 370045_newU
- Nimravides 371085_newU
- m0stw4nt3d m0stw4nt3d
- LittleBlackStar 371455_newU
- druzki_58 409036_newU
- siniak80 siniak80
- Sawik308 397150_newU
- gurkenhannes 390432_newU
- Simetierre 351986_newU
- PeeL PeeL
- elgreco1978 stevegr
- TheViper_PT TheViper_PT
- SarkyMarky SarkyMarky
- Stormlord Storm_Lord
- capton123 519467_newU
- Schattenkrieger 386223_newU
- Mirase mirase
- Mosquito55 Mosquito55
- pcheniek 415988_newU
- Leia_Organa 396122_newU
- Sinnttick 578107_newU
- Flash512 392196_newU
- Dimak 369468_newU
- Leo999 368309_newU
- bacz30 Bacz31
- OHM1983 330418_newU
- 542484_newU MrSchadenfreude
- deLooney deLooney
- RSC-1995 433035_newU
- ben56k ben56k
- Wet_Squid RiderOfTheStorm
- Lt_Blechtonne Lt_Trashcan
- Vier 390396_newU
- Kepelian 483579_newU
- Nordlicht62 397337_newU
- HiAsFuq DabbinThat710
- 543332_newU Topgun1000
- psychrophil 373328_newU
- skk77 skk77
- Laemmi 369343_newU
- Davide_pantera 387767_newU
- Lord_Nusspli 367284_newU
- Oddyseus 372942_newU
- EisernerGustav 385168_newU
- chrisi588 392399_newU
- Omnipotens 332033_newU
- GUNHED507 349715_newU
- cptCarloss Karloss70
- adi320 adi320
- pilot911 411205_newU
- TanDanThRaybnMn TanDanThRaybnMn
- Panzer38na CaptainTrek
- dens Dens
- chichago75 392958_newU
- Ollpainless 387175_newU
- Kasmahl 405854_newU
- von_Witte 395736_newU
- windows_xp windows_xp
- BOX11 Box11
- tekilla 401277_newU
- baxy75 387519_newU
- heavy_metal11 Heavymetal11
- Capion 412107_newU
- Gunny2002 Gunny2000
- ZERO1810 ZERO1810
- MaxRavenclaw 730862_newU
- lenkosz 393586_newU
- tankz_coffin 374614_newU
- ramrod1948 ramrod1948
- distrugatorul01 distrugatorul01
- Gejb 344418_newU
- Sold1er96 388356_newU
- Gideons300 CorrosivePrimed
- wolan82 wolan82
- 544998_newU Kerstov
- kkzz233 kkzz233
- Ptitluc65 400995_newU
- Jollij Jollij
- Staufener Staufener
- Atomrakete86 350784_newU
- Aberich Aberich
- Mondfuchs 385510_newU
- Foxtrot_Hotel Foxtrot_Hotel
- VLADIMIR_SRB 388301_newU
- Lukas1989 402115_newU
- Harkin Kayra
- Major_Recall Major_Recall
- steher64 steher64
- Gabriel09TR 396715_newU
- Minimouse 387876_newU
- radek458pl 560392_newU
- Capt-Chaos 340558_newU
- Worschtsemmel71 Worschtsemmel71
- MilanKV1 MilanKV1
- Norbikom Norbikom
- Bleddry Bleddry
- Gedas87 Gedas87
- Dark_Rider DarkRider
- grzegorzldz 405267_newU
- Lukx lukx
- JJackson 388946_newU
- braeburn AngeOliver
- pigdog67 pigdog67
- GAZ_Vodnik 397019_newU
- sanovokiller 398404_newU
- Lord_Randall 392894_newU
- rekthorel 371323_newU
- Killer_Plautze Killer_Plautze
- Cjjes17 Cjjes17
- Singarix Singarix
- brus 390874_newU
- Fent 385566_newU
- DrowPL DrowPL
- Kampfhase Kaampfhase
- Meccano 737619_newU
- MrBurns23 MrBurns23
- Paladin69 PoohBear69
- Cincinnatus Cincinnatus_L
- hofigaba hofigaba
- Stevant 382821_newU
- ArcTeryX 379223_newU
- FRMZT 385090_newU
- Caligula876 419215_newU
- Tucilezy Tucilezy
- TortenTöter KampfWurscht
- MegatroN99 balako
- kamiun kamiun
- Michan Michan
- Andrenet Andrenet
- sigere sigere
- Chevayo Chevayo
- Panzer_Bill Panzer_Bill
- CG125 399061_newU
- Codietk501 426197_newU
- Daids 397560_newU
- Alter-Mann 369974_newU
- georgiosgt georgiosgt
- kuno1511 kuno1511
- David0725 363744_newU
- gorac gorac
- siara12 salona
- Pawelek1021 422514_newU
- Pryta Pryta
- ecodri 620650_newU
- Ferrand_M 390016_newU
- NON_SPARATE 387856_newU
- NukeMutant NukeMutant
- Horadrim 388280_newU
- DikenSong DikenSong
- stalker2007 stalker2007
- SunRay Sgt_West
- Brit-Crusader Brit-Crusader
- play3r 609215_newU
- DominikFFF 781863_newU
- Lipancz 526465_newU
- Arjasp Arjasp
- ar1975 561016_newU
- MajorJo73 445334_newU
- Nathan84 548638_newU
- CuddleMonster cuddle_monster
- Heftigo 779982_newU
- Tarragon 762655_newU
- Ofw_Kerscher 601338_newU
- Show_Girl 794432_newU
- durchgekaut durchgekaut
- Raginhardt 561229_newU
- Yojimbo55 Yojimbo55
- Ashtron Ashtron
- Whisky-Tango 490136_newU
- Ellord 873698_newU
- Cinder2 Cinder
- fireball98 768620_newU
- theweekend 462624_newU
- Row_T72 595738_newU
- rafi74 637509_newU
- 1081321_newU echo5a
- Skandal85 Skandal
- W00dbury W00dbury
- klinga 589790_newU
- Tankensomteller Tankensomteller
- steelmous 582416_newU
- bimre 773752_newU
- Luki1946 Luki1946
- Happy_Mower Happy_Mower
- vladi8080 589794_newU
- Kriksos2016 561556_newU
- qwerplis qwerplis
- 891234_newU SeiKosaka
- Luzi62 760561_newU
- commander44 cmmander44
- kolan kolan
- HCP77 531643_newU
- Reaesir Reaesir
- loleando loleandote
- arek3city arek3city
- Wolverine_is_hu Wolverine_is_hu
- docent1 748701_newU
- Kzin 467316_newU
- babisGR12 608246_newU
- R3ven R3ven
- migscooter 788628_newU
- Surv1v0r Surv1v0r
- Zi3lu Zi3lu
- Darklor Darklor
- PaInMen 614743_newU
- Darrel86Gaming Darrel1986
- Wiz33 Wiz33
- Rambo30 503501_newU
- Catalin36 Catalin36
- GIGGOLO 785052_newU
- TA55U 553114_newU
- Kjuno 614049_newU
- hope_zzzz hope_zzzz
- ThridBrithday ThridBrithday
- marko_zemun 528076_newU
- xboxgamer969 xboxgamer969
- Toxopholite 587408_newU
- Melladon 579193_newU
- Eric_The_Viking 579210_newU
- RagnarSchulz RagnarSchulz
- AgentX AgentX
- SteelHeroe SteelHeroe
- diamont_33 579303_newU
- dirksch 579332_newU
- TankFranky 611426_newU
- bobo001 527170_newU
- gyber23 Gyber23
- Dexter_Lanache 589857_newU
- DianeBlake 540931_newU
- Garolon 579356_newU
- Honto 563025_newU
- lukylooser 527421_newU
- Methusalix 579447_newU
- tankhunter0815 731172_newU
- DINAMITAS 529661_newU
- Tiger1964 542370_newU
- Sassi 603611_newU
- arnost905 arnost905
- IceBreak Sailorka
- Widerlicher 579525_newU
- Tym57kris 582865_newU
- thibaut1420 thibaut1420
- LoneMalamute LoneMalamute
- Doukas 848376_newU
- Aenye McJajecznik
- Semoo 603613_newU
- kruszonk 512238_newU
- Mr_X4K 564225_newU
- bogdanxp 564298_newU
- CannonJustice 614593_newU
- danielz 614942_newU
- Quori Quori
- asusgtx 512389_newU
- KingGeorge1 579877_newU
- Ottojanius 510262_newU
- NEOLUX neolux
- martin100047 548729_newU
- Zbyniek_PL Zbyniek_PL
- Kosmo747 Kosmo747
- MAAADS enverdensmand
- Atlas_1989 579978_newU
- Carsna Carsna
- malymatrix malymatrix
- marek4444 566964_newU
- seba466 615199_newU
- Peacemakerr 532904_newU
- intk lesiek
- DanishSkull 535195_newU
- diobol1967 567191_newU
- YUGO01 546041_newU
- Stampfpotato 541322_newU
- Lith Lith
- Alax Alax
- bezimiennyPL 774491_newU
- LUCYFERPL 783005_newU
- ossa 568705_newU
- Gurani Gurani
- tazmo8448 tazmo8448
- Korsar83 Korsar83
- jakub-wedrowycz 618380_newU
- Spoonfang Spoonfang
- hortico hortico
- ThunderTrack ThunderTrack
- MacNimann McNimann
- krzychsus 590022_newU
- Stalkierski 575235_newU
- Tank_TT Tank_TT
- DC30 615360_newU
- Andrew_72_OL 609312_newU
- abir93 Hells_gate
- krumpa krumpa
- Calibra-Turbo 788012_newU
- hairylemon 620121_newU
- Mylar90 Mylar90
- Urvieh 590113_newU
- DeathStroke85 619706_newU
- Wotano 645386_newU
- Kal_Jerico 588361_newU
- OvaV OpaV
- n0T5ur3 737459_newU
- robertROGER2207 robertleboss
- deathnoise deathnoise
- Rosomak22 762722_newU
- SATANEDME 1316078_newU
- Pfeilsdorf 593826_newU
- Brenner7 Brenner7
- pancerprzemo 592304_newU
- Ballabuxe 595286_newU
- jaca1983 603191_newU
- Gushterul 596078_newU
- XXSoulXStormXX 609403_newU
- Jagdar69 634690_newU
- Kollelok kollelok
- MircSmurf 596760_newU
- Mohawk55a Mohawk55a
- Zarax_dk 612935_newU
- PolishLegend PolishLegend
- PaterBrown PaterBrown
- kokokielo 603482_newU
- snaf30 snaf30
- friedenspanzer 617438_newU
- KingMadMax 873851_newU
- DCzeos D-Czeos
- Spaten66 614060_newU
- Feldanos 609269_newU
- Dracul90 609323_newU
- 963306_newU Alx94
- Prince_PL AWTankPL
- Pireansot 628993_newU
- PanzerJurand jad4
- Warpath95 865086_newU
- BiGReD16 BiGReD16
- 995056_newU Cozmic
- klFeigling 663037_newU
- Texer Texer
- LexGeneralis LexGeneralis
- 1049826_newU Archaeopteryx
- OOwalidOO OOwalidOO
- torin98765 torin98765
- denny2009 773742_newU
- SerahKhan Myrrhiana
- MrPortorico 873722_newU
- wako72 731518_newU
- halk10001002 halk10001002
- MasterAeon 728437_newU
- guigui61 guigui61
- Zaniacg Zaniacg
- Horor4 horor4
- Oceanhawk60 732133_newU
- Maxmize 732181_newU
- Kiełpin Kiełpin
- Tankerdarius 732275_newU
- delpierrowyko 734609_newU
- Nikola_bre 760148_newU
- dogbite dogbite
- addedd 760045_newU
- Knutliott Knutliott
- Campbell0977 760418_newU
- Julius_der_111 757728_newU
- LuckyStrik3 760521_newU
- RamsesII RamsesII
- 1113854_newU Alpha7
- NovaBombe 787836_newU
- Badnova67 Badnova67
- o0LordMartin0o 780699_newU
- Sir-Stephan 778362_newU
- BlackMambaNam BlackMambaNam
- Epicredeemer Epicredeemer
- GhosT0850 796068_newU
- Diemetius 778229_newU
- ProMyka 778883_newU
- TakeTh1s 767618_newU
- MMMMMilash 775748_newU
- Yagdpanther Yagdpanther
- Fourever4 780144_newU
- Bluewolf71 Bluewolf71
- martin1359 774502_newU
- Sobies 778278_newU
- mayhem3752 mayhem3752
- sulfuret_E sulfuret
- Medicmojo Medicmojo
- pekele 796425_newU
- CookieShooter CookieShooter
- DeltaOOO DeltaOOO
- von_Rummelsdorf 786814_newU
- Nonarei Nonarei
- Karait_Rus 790741_newU
- Matrix55 787802_newU
- PeddyPanzer 788910_newU
- NAZYR 797148_newU
- ratchet117 851921_newU
- DarkPillWarrior 798968_newU
- lato86 lato86
- dejtarisz 840034_newU
- Zbynio00 Zbynio00
- mx90384538 mx90384538
- procsimo79 853419_newU
- seelen seelenstolz
- Spazzy 852691_newU
- Marketeer 866510_newU
- clothwolf clothwolf
- pancerna_pyra 855552_newU
- petrix1 866603_newU
- bubulle 866607_newU
- Iosifek Iosifek
- Pr0wler 873769_newU
- WHMiba 1316074_newU
- B4dark b4dak
- Dekkion 866623_newU
- CZTEAM16 860488_newU
- ronin911 873832_newU
- pierre51645 866652_newU
- impgoon 863658_newU
- Tazzmania017 Stone3517
- Tomin4tor 866098_newU
- vip_igor vip_igor
- BigDaddyTE 873806_newU
- Peroaner 873807_newU
- TheMoonTroller 876709_newU
- bobbie1 1316200_newU
- Possum_911 Possum_911
- X-Warlock-X 873716_newU
- LordUllrich 873309_newU
- Aelfrost Akarura
- Robert71 1318588_newU
- KisKolonics 876619_newU
- Rafaelacha 873816_newU
- Wolt_01 872971_newU
- Cerberus007 874173_newU
- ol1uw 1316130_newU
- sam999 1316127_newU
- JACK-POT 1316075_newU
- Evo_1982 1316125_newU
- Grollstein 876382_newU
- Yorm 1316147_newU
- ShadowWeaver УкраинецÐфигены
- Tymczasem Tymczasem
- Cranky_T 1321778_newU
- x9x0x8x4 terminator3
The Armored Warfare story continues in the Special Operations mode – to learn more of the fate of Clayburn Industries, Andrew Clayburn as well as other characters, follow the portal and try out the Special Operations mode.
Please note:
- The Abrams AGDS is awarded to both servers
- Two names listed means the user selected his or her name on both servers (the second name is from the NA server)
We’ll see you on the battlefield!