Not so long ago, we introduced the Flag feature with the promise that we’d expand the pool of flags that was available at that time. Today, we’d like to invite you to become a part of that promise by letting you design three flags that will be introduced to the game and win amazing prizes in the process.
The rules are very easy. Submit your flag proposal to a dedicated Discord chat until July 2, 2019 while following the rules that are listed below.
The Community Management team will pick three best flags which will then be introduced to the game along with the name of the players who designed them.
Additionally, the best flag authors will win the following prizes:
- First place: Flag feature unlock (worth 9.999 Gold), free access to the submitted flag and a Tier 10 or below Premium vehicle of the winner’s choosing
- Second place: Flag feature unlock (worth 9.999 Gold), free access to the submitted flag and a Tier 9 or below Premium vehicle of the winner’s choosing
- Third place: Flag feature unlock (worth 9.999 Gold), free access to the submitted flag and a Tier 8 or below Premium vehicle of the winner’s choosing
Please pay attention to the following rules:
- This contest ends on July 2, 2019, at 16:00 CEST (17:00 MSK, 7 AM PDT)
- Only one submission per user is allowed
- The submissions must not use any copyrighted parts or assets and must be 100 percent created by the submitting user (yes, we will check)
- The required format is a PNG file of at least 1024x512 pixel size (the flag image must not be of lower resolution, smaller images resized to 1024x512 will not be accepted)
- The submission must not be in breach of Armored Warfare Terms of Service and of Discord rules – offensive and otherwise unacceptable submissions will be disqualified
- My.com members of staff reserve the right to refuse any submission at their discretion
- If the winners already have their flag feature unlocked, they will receive 9.999 Gold instead
- Winners may, instead of receiving a Premium vehicle, choose to receive its price in Gold instead
- The list of potential prizes excludes Hades vehicles and the Object 640 with Black Eagle camouflage
We hope that you will enjoy the contest and will see you on the battlefield!