You served as drill masters with distinction during the recent Boot Camp, but instructor’s work is never done and there’s a fresh batch of recruits awaiting your orders! Show them the ropes and earn Drill Master’s wage in the process!
Boot Camp
From September 6 to September 27 2016, all the players who own at least one Tier 4 vehicle (Tier 6 for the North-American server) can participate in the Boot Camp event by playing at least one PvP battle with vehicles of the following tiers per day:
- EU server – Tier 1 and Tier 4
- NA server – Tier 3 and Tier 6
Players will be rewarded for playing up to four battles per day and two per Tier:
- EU server – two battles on Tier 1 and two battles on Tier 4 will be rewarded per day (four in total)
- NA server – two battles on Tier 3 and two battles on Tier 6 will be rewarded per day (four in total)
After these four battles per day are played, further battles will not be rewarded until the next day.
Please note that it is not possible to combine the event Tiers - for example, the EU players, who play three battle on Tier 1 and one battle on Tier 4 will be only rewarded for two Tier 1 battles and one Tier 4 battle.
The size of the reward depends on the maximum tier of the vehicles the player has played recently.
Rewards per Maximum Tier owned:
- Tier 4: 40,000 Credits, 1000 Global Reputation points
- Tier 5: 50,000 Credits, 1250 Global Reputation points
- Tier 6: 65,000 Credits, 1500 Global Reputation points
- Tier 7: 75,000 Credits, 2000 Global Reputation points
- Tier 8: 90,000 Credits, 2650 Global Reputation points
- Tier 9: 115,000 Credits, 3150 Global Reputation points
- Tier 10: 150,000 Credits, 3750 Global Reputation points
The total maximum reward achievable for Tier 10 owners therefore is 12,600,000 Credits and 315000 points of Global Reputation.
Important: Before attempting to complete the event objectives, please play at least one battle with your highest tier vehicle to ensure your rewards are calculated correctly.
Please note: if a reward is received while the player is not logged in the game, he or she will receive no notification about it.
Drill Instructor Special
We have a special reward for the most dedicated drill instructors out there! Those who play at least 60 PvP Boot Camp battles during the event will receive a bonus depending on the maximum tier of the vehicles they have in their garage.
Please note that only battles that count towards the regular Boot Camp objective are counted towards the Drill Instructor Special objective (eg. four battles per day at most, two on Tier 1 or 3 and two on Tier 4 or 6 depending on the server).
Bonus per Maximum Tier owned:
- EU server – Tier 4,5,6: 7 days of Platinum Fame and Fortune Boost
- EU server – Tier 7,8,9,10: BWP-1M Puma and 7 days of Platinum Fame and Fortune Boost
- NA server – Tier 6: 7 days of Platinum Fame and Fortune Boost
- NA server – Tier 7,8,9,10: BWP-1M Puma and 7 days of Platinum Fame and Fortune Boost
Platinum Fame and Fortune boost grants its owner 50% boost to Credit, Reputation, Commander XP, Crew XP and Dealer Prerequisite income. Players who already own the BWP-1M Puma will receive 500 Gold instead.
Important: Before attempting to complete the event objectives, please play at least one battle with your highest tier vehicle to ensure your rewards are calculated correctly.
- The event starts on September 6 at 0:01 AM PDT (9:00 CEST)
- The event ends on September 27 at 0:01 AM PDT (9:00 CEST)
- Progress will be available in each's player's Profile page
- Any punishment issued by the Support Team for an offense against the game rules within the event time limit will lead to automatic disqualification from the event
- Regular event rewards will be distributed instantly
- The Drill Instructor Special bonus will be distributed at the end of the event
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I see my reward progress and the top Tier I am receiving the rewards for?
On your Profile page.
I started the event with Tier 8 as my top Tier. I just bought a Tier 9 vehicle, but I am still getting rewards for Tier 8. What should I do?
You need to play at least one PvP battle or PvE mission with the Tier 9 vehicle you bought. Tier 9 will then register as your top Tier. Please note that while it does not matter whether you play PvE or PvP for the top Tier determination purposes, this event is PvP only.
Why is the European server part of the event for Tier 1 and the North-American part of the event for Tier 3?
Tier 1 and Tier 2 can currently only join PvE missions on the North-American server. This event is PvP only.
Will I have to play the qualification battle in my highest Tier every day or is it enough to do it once at the beginning of the event?
Just once (with the exception of obtaining higher Tier vehicle during the event).
I played a Tier 1 battle but it did not register in the counter!
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the data collection mechanism, the counter can operate with a delay.
We hope you enjoy this event and we'll see you on the battlefield!