Dear players,
It's that time - time to present some of the best content the Armored Warfare community has created to this day!
Sidestrafe played Armored Warfare with Circonflexes and Bis18marck70 - how did they like it? Let's find out!
Check out Fizzymilk757's Youtube channel - it's full of wonderful videos! Here is an example - Fizzymilk takes a look at the new, rebalanced Sheridan. What does he think about it? Watch the video!
Woras made another video of his "Armored War Fares" series - some glitches sure can get hilarious (doesn't mean we won't fix them)!
And here are some of the best entries in the "draw a tank in MSPaint" competition:
"Leopard" by PhoLover93

"Leclerc "B.R.E.A.D" by requin789

M48 Patton by mhyron

Wiesel by Vingles_1969

PL-01 by Jaksza98PL

...and last but not least, the T30 by Firegate

Interested in becoming a featured community contributor? Let us know of the content you created!