The December with Armored Warfare continues with the second round of discounts! Now you have the chance of purchasing your favorite vehicles as well as Premium Time with a discount! Here's what we have prepared for you.
Vehicle Discounts
From the 11th of December to the 14th of December the price of the following premium vehicles was reduced:
- The price of MBT-70 Tier 6 Main Battle Tank is reduced by 25 percent
- The price of Zhalo-S Tier 4 Tank Destroyer is reduced by 20 percent
Premium Time Discounts
The premium discounts continue! From the 7th of December to the 14th of December the price of the following Premium Time packs was reduced:
- The price of 90 days of Premium Time is reduced to 3999 gold (35 percent discount)
- The price of 180 days of Premium Time is reduced to 7999 gold (35 percent discount)
- The price of 360 days of Premium Time is reduced to 14300 gold (35 percent discount)
Other events currently active
The other December events (bonuses, contests) currently active are:
- From the 4th of December to the 3rd of January, players will receive 200 percent reputation bonus for their first victory of the day for each vehicle
- From the 8th of December to the 11th of December, players can participate in the Bounty Hunt contest (players who defeat My.com/Obsidian employees in battle win MERC premium vehicles)
- From the 9th of December to the 22nd of December, players can also participate in the Tips n'Tricks contest (players who create the best guide videos will be rewarded by upcoming new premium vehicles as well as Collector's Edition bundles)
Vehicles on Discount
Zhalo-S - this wheeled Tank Destroyer is very fast and its rapid fire 85mm gun can tear even through Main Battle Tank armor! It's especially suitable for players who love very high mobility combined with short reload times and a lot of firepower.
MBT-70 - this prototype tank is all about firepower. It's massive 152mm battlecannon is capable of both firing shells and launching missiles. It has a lot of alpha damage for its tier and can knock out even much tougher opponents.
We sincerely hope you enjoy these December bonuses and discounts we have prepared for you. See you on the battlefield!