Tomorrow’s update is bringing the long-awaited T-80BVM Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank and we’d like to bring up a few details about this vehicle that may come to your attention during the vehicle’s release.
First, the unlock requirement. You’ll be asked to deal damage while driving the T-80UM-1 Bars. The damage requirement corresponds to roughly 70 matches of average active gameplay (although, as usual, exceptional players will complete this sooner). We wanted to avoid the Bars situation where, in order to unlock the tank, players were intentionally losing or leaving their T-80U matches. No more of that.
The second matter we want to address concerns the engines. The engines of the T-80BVM are a bit counter-intuitive. There are three:
- GTD-1250TF turbine engine (1250hp)
- GTD-1400 turbine engine (1400hp)
- GTD-1400TF turbine engine (also 1400hp)
Two engines with the same horsepower and, additionally, the GTD-1400 engine offers higher maximum speed but lower acceleration than the previous one? What’s up with that?
The logic is as follows. Acceleration and hull traverse improvement is done via another upgrade module called GOP-165 transmission, which will work no matter what engine you have selected.
When upgrading the engine from 1250hp to 1400hp, the thing that changes for you is the maximum speed. Additionally, the basic engine has access to the Override active ability which the middle engine does not because that’s how the engine is built. The letter F in its name means “supercharged” and the engine is capable with of short bursts of higher power in real life (running it on this setting constantly would significantly reduce its lifespan).
The GTD-1400 engine does not offer this feature – in order to access the Override active ability, you must once upgrade to the GTD-1400TF engine, which unlocks the ability once again.
And as for the final issue – the 3VOF77 shell is marked as “airburst” but it works the same way as Armata’s programmable HE shell (only with a larger blast radius).
We hope this clears some things for you and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!