Let us return one more time to the contents of the upcoming Age of Rage Battle Path campaign – specifically to one of its most valuable and difficult-to-get rewards – Commander Ofelia Kitescu.
Born in Romania, Ofelia is an anarchist at heart. Having lost her parents to a bandit raid when she was but a baby, she grew up in a foster home devoid of any care or affection. This experience hardened her to the outside world and she ran away as soon as she learned how to fend for herself, having joined a gang at the age of 16. What followed was a decade-long rampage of anti-corporate rage – as she ruthlessly rose through the ranks of her band of street warriors, she left a wake of destroyed properties and abducted officials in her wake.
This ultimately became her downfall – her insurgent group was too small for ISD to deal with, but too powerful for corporations to ignore. Instead of being legally arrested, the entire band, standing little change against an organized military assault, was wiped out almost to a man by a Clayburn Industries strike team. Now only Ofelia remains, ready to enact her vengeance against greedy corporations.
Ofelia Kitescu will become available upon the completion of the most difficult Battle Path mission chain. Rest assured, however, that the reward will be worth it. Like Alisa Korhonen, Ofelia will be configurable to suit practically any class and playstyle with her skills being divided between protection, firepower and mobility boosts.
Her skills do reflect her personality – Ofelia is an aggressive person almost to the point of foolhardiness. She’s stubborn and wild – as such, her skills will be suitable for aggressive, active gameplay as she’s too impatient to wait for her opponents to come to her or to set up elaborate traps.
What makes Ofelia so special is that instead of one basic skill, she has three, the power of which does not increase with the commander’s level – instead, they start as fully upgraded abilities. These skills are:
- Special saving throw
- Reload speed bonus for as long as your vehicle is spotted
- Acceleration bonus for as long as your vehicle is spotted
The first skill will be the most unique and will perfectly fit Ofelia’s stubborn personality – even when facing nearly certain death, she just refuses to give up!
Once per battle, if her vehicle receives enough damage to destroy it, the commander will use her willpower to save it and her crew. Mechanically, this skill will work as if a PvE consumable (Field Rebuild Kit) was activated upon death, only with the following parameters:
- The vehicle will stay alive with 1 hitpoint left with a protective field with the power of 12 percent of that vehicle’s maximum hitpoints around it for two seconds (in order to prevent an instant death by the next shot – furthermore, the last shot that would bring this shield down will be completely absorbed, making it impossible to destroy the shield and kill the tank with one shot)
- All modules will be instantly repaired, all crew members healed and any fires put out
- Ammunition will be refilled
It’s worth noting that only deaths caused by enemy vehicles (gunfire, ramming, fire, ammunition explosions) will trigger this skill – environmental damage such as falling, drowning and wildcard damage will not.

Ofelia’s other skills will be split into three major blocs:
- Firepower bloc (with the reload speed bonus base skill in it)
- Protection bloc (with the Special saving throw base skill in it)
- Mobility bloc (with the acceleration bonus base skill in it)
As well as three minor blocs, separated by empty fields configured so that they form the letter A.
The Firepower bloc will include the following skills:
- Rate of fire bonus at the expense of hitpoints (2x Tier 1, 1x Tier 2)
- Module damage bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (2x Tier 1)
- Reload speed bonus for as long as your vehicle is spotted (same as the base skill, Tier 2)
The Mobility bloc will include the following skills:
- Reduction of accuracy penalty for moving (Tier 1)
- Reduction of all penalties for driving off-road (3x Tier 1)
- Hull traverse bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (2x Tier 1)
- Turret traverse bonus (2x Tier 2)
- Viewrange bonus at the expense of camouflage (1x Tier 2)
The Protection bloc will include the following skills:
- Lower smoke cooldown (2x Tier 1, 1x Tier 2)
- Module protection bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (1x Tier 1, 1x Tier 2)
- Crew protection bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (1x Tier 1, 1x Tier 2)
- Repair speed bonus as long as the vehicle has below 50 percent of hitpoints (Tier 2)
And, finally, the three remaining smaller blocs will feature the following skills:
- Module damage bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (2x Tier 2)
- Rate of fire bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (1x Tier 3)
- Repair speed bonus as long as the vehicle has below 50 percent of hitpoints (2x Tier 1)
- Viewrange bonus at the expense of camouflage (1x Tier 3)
- Hull traverse bonus as long as the vehicle is moving with a certain speed (1x Tier 2)
The third of the three smaller blocs is located in the middle of the letter and will feature the following skills with high bonuses:
- Acceleration bonus (1x Tier 3)
- Rate of fire (1x Tier 3)
- Repair speed (1x Tier 3)
- Bonus to maximum speed at the expense of your armor thickness (1x Tier 3)
As you can see, there will be a myriad of configurations available for this commander with her skills allowing for some interesting combinations. We hope that you will enjoy obtaining and playing her as much as we enjoyed designing the new features for you.
See you on the battlefield.