Today, we’d like to tell you more about the upcoming Exile Battle Path campaign as a whole along with the changes and improvements we’ve prepared for you.
Return of the Diary
Theme-wise, this Battle Path is very similar to the previous Eclipse Battle Path since it continues the story of Samuel Thorpe where he left off. The Diary feature will return with the second part of the story along with other lore elements such as prizes and item descriptions. There will be improvements to the Diary mechanic to increase its loading time and stability. Last but not least, we have prepared three awesome music tracks underlying the storytelling.
And in case you’ve missed the Eclipse story – no worries. It will be available on the Armored Warfare portal for you to read in a dedicated section. That way, even the players who haven’t participated in Eclipse won’t be lost.
Prize-wise, the Exile Battle Path will be similar to the Eclipse one. There will be lore-based skins, camouflages and other prizes, each Level prize tied contextually to the lore of the unlocked Level. The story will start in Sudan – that’s why for example an Al-Bashir Sudanese-themed skin will be one of the earliest prizes!
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As usual, multiple vehicles await you. This time there’s three of them:
- Boxer CRV Tier 9 Premium AFV for reaching Level 20
- Puma Tier 10 Premium AFV for reaching Level 31
- Boxer RIWP Tier 10 Premium AFV for reaching Level 50
Blueprint-wise, we’ll leave the same choices in Eclipse so you’ll still be able to obtain Gadyuka blueprints from the Battle Path Shop (so there is that).
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But there’s also a new reward type called Exile Loot Crate.
These crates contain roughly the same stuff as the Eclipse Overprogression Crates. They award you either with a Premium vehicle you don’t have (Tier 3 to 10) or a “last ditch prize.” These will be available within regular Battle Path progression. The main differences between these and the Overprogression crates are:
- Exile Loot Crates are not separated by Tier (each crate offers Tier 3 to Tier 10 vehicles)
- It is possible to receive “last ditch prize” even if you don’t own some of the vehicles that can drop from these crates (it’s, however, far likelier for you to receive a vehicle)
“Last ditch prize” drop can be one of the following items:
- 5 Battle Coin Boosters
- 500 Gold
- 6.000 Battle Coins
- 10 Platinum Loot Crates
There will be 7 of these Loot Crates available within the Level 1 to 50 progression – that means 7 Premium vehicles will potentially be yours!
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Requirements and Changes
The rest of the mechanics will be very similar to the Eclipse ones but there are some major changes. For starters, this Battle Path is projected to last 4 months instead of 6 months. There may be extensions, but this is the intended deadline. As such:
- There is no Overprogression, this Battle Path will feature 50 levels
- Level cost was reduced from 6.000 to 5.000
- Battle Path Chain missions offer extra Battle Coin Boosters instead of Gadyuka parts
The Shop works the same way as in Eclipse but there will be the following changes:
- Blueprint slot also offers ZTL-11 parts
- Blueprint slot VERY rarely offers a single AbramsX or KF51 Panther part
- Vehicle slot offers 7 new vehicles (no, TOS-1M is not there but Skyranger, Namer, Type 99B, Otomatic and Gepard are)
- Camouflage slot offers more than 50 new camouflages
- Skin slot offers more than 50 new skins
And that’s about it, commanders. We hope you’ll enjoy this Battle Path as much as we enjoyed designing and writing it for you. The Battle Path is currently planned to launch in November and we are hard at work finishing all its content.
See you on the battlefield!