Hello everyone!
My name is Joshua Morris and I am Senior Producer at my.com. You may all know me at Jinxx71 on the Forums. I want to personally welcome you all to Early Access and give you a preview of what you should expect.
First round of testing is May 27th to June 3rd.
Testing times will be:
EU Server: 6pm - 9pm CEST on weekdays and 5pm - 10pm CEST on weekends US Server: 8pm – 11pm ET on weekdays and 7pm – midnight ET on weekends
Remember you may participate on either or both servers (progress is separate).
To access the game, you may download our Game Center client
What should you expect during this first Early Access test?
Stuff will break. It is very normal during an early test that everything will not go smoothly, and many things are just not final.
- Game servers may go down.
- Login servers may go down.
- You may experience latency.
- Client optimizations are not present, so lower end machines will struggle. (Including 32-bit systems).
- Vehicles may not be balanced.
- Some UI (user interface) may not work.
- Formulas are not final so Progression, match making, and vehicles balance will most likely changed by release.
- Some systems still need tweaking (for example mouse sensitivity)
So why bother even playing? Well first of all we would like you to think of yourselves as testers, your feedback is very important and will impact the final product. Please use the forums to report any issues you discover or suggestions you may have.
Furthermore, even with all the issues mentioned above we do think Armored Warfare is FUN, and we want to give you an opportunity to see what we have been working on firsthand!
If you are not interested in testing the game at this early stage, we suggest you wait for a few updates, but we really appreciate everyone that is able to help.

What happens after this test you may ask? Well, more tests of course!
The first tests will last limited periods of time and will have hour-based schedules. However as we progress towards open beta these tests will become longer and eventually they will be available 24/7.
We understand that many players may not be able to join us during these limited testing hours. We tried to set times that the majority of players from the region where the servers are located can play, however this still leaves many from other regions unable to participate.
Unfortunately there is not an easy short term solution, as we need to monitor and debug these issues in real time, until the servers become more stable. We expect that after this first round we will be able to extend testing to longer hours. We do appreciate the support and patience of those that are not able to join testing during this first round and look forward to extending those hours.
So what can you look forward to in future tests?
Our first update will include major optimization and stability changes. While this may seem boring it is actually very important as it will not only let players with lower end systems play, but it will also let us extend testing hours to let players outside of the NA and EU play as well.
This first Early Access test is just the beginning, there is a ton of new features and content that will be available leading up to Open Beta.
You can look forward to things like:
- More Vehicles.
- More PvP Maps.
- PvE Maps!
- Vehicle “decals”.
- Artillery “special shells”.
- New HUD.
- A new game mode.
- Longer testing times!
- Constant balance and bug fixes.
We are truly excited to be able to share Armored Warfare with a larger audience and we hope you have fun during this test.
Obsidian and my.com is committed to making the best vehicle combat experience and with your continued feedback we are confident that it will be possible.
Joshua Morris Senior Producer my.com