The upcoming Battle Path “Exile” is, as usual, bringing a lot of interesting prizes with it that you can obtain by progressing through its 50 levels. We’d like to show you some of them today – the vehicles, the skins, and some camouflages. Let’s start with the most obvious ones that we have unveiled before.
Three vehicles await you in this Battle Path:
- Boxer CRV (Tier 9 Premium AFV)
- Puma (Tier 10 Premium AFV)
- Boxer RIWP (Tier 10 Premium AFV)
You can read more about them in each respective article. Here’s how they’ll look in the game (Puma model still pending):
But that’s not all. There are some incredibly cool skins as well. Let’s start with David Murdoch’s personal war chariot, a battle tank of unknown origins and even stranger properties – the Obsidian Blade skin for the ZTZ-20 Premium MBT.
As its name suggests, the tank’s surface us covered with a layer of obsidian. The cracks in the layer are filled with pure gold, as befitting a man of his influence.
The flower-shaped mantlet emits a glow as mysterious as the tank’s owner. Obsidian clearly is Murdoch’s favorite material.
This skin will be obtainable by reaching almost the end of the story. But let us move to something a little more realistic. Presenting the Tacticam skin for the Griffin 50mm AFV.
This camouflage system appeared back in 2018 at the AUSA expo in the United States. You’ve been asking for it and we are delivering in the Exile Battle Path. The skin will rename your vehicle to Griffin III as well (the proper name) so everyone on the battlefield will be aware of your presence.
Continuing with the historical skins, we have the M10 Booker skin for the MPF LT Premium LT.
This skin is based on the vehicle shown during the fairly recent ceremony of accepting the Booker in service. We have decided not to rename the original vehicle because it’s been around for several years and changing its name all of a sudden might confuse its owners, invalidate previous references and so on. However, using this skin will put the proper name on the M10 Booker just as the U.S. Defense Department intended.
Next stop is the Al Bashir skin for the Type 85-IIM MBT. The story begins where the Eclipse one left off – in Sudan, so what better early prize to have than a skin for this Chinese Main Battle Tank. The Al-Bashir is an indigenous Sudanese version of the machine that has already seen some fighting since South Sudan is a hotly contested area.
The M1A1 FEP skin for the M1A1 AIM Premium MBT allows you to change your vehicle’s blue-painted patriotic look into a desert tan-colored one based on a U.S. Marine Corps pattern.
And last but not least, the T-72S skin for the T-72B MBT changes the tank’s look into an export model used by Myanmar (Burma), featuring proper markings and camouflage.
Multiple epic camouflages await you as well. You can find some examples below.
This is but a sample of what awaits you in the Exile Battle Path. More visual customization options, Premium vehicles and other valuable items will be yours for the taking.
The Battle Path will be launching in November. Secure your Early Access right now for a discounted price at the Market.
Clicking the link below will open the game’s launcher. Please select the Market option on the left and select Armored Warfare to access this offer.

We hope that you’ll enjoy the upcoming Battle Path and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!