Today, we’d like to tell you more about a new German Winter camouflage that’s going to appear in Armored Warfare in the near future.
Marder 1A3 in winter camouflage
This is the winter version of the standard 1986 camouflage pattern the Germans and the French (as well as some other countries) use extensively. The whole idea behind this camouflage pattern was to make it easily convertible from summer to winter color sets (at least in European conditions) by replacing one – the black – with white.
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Simply put, the vehicles are painted in the standard green, brown and black stripes and when necessary, the black stripes get re-painted white either using spray or brushes. It doesn’t even have to be permanent or durable – simple lime paint can be enough.
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The Germans would do this for various military trainings, especially in the 1980s. Our camo is based on the one used on a Marder IFV from Panzergrenadierbataillon 152 (152th Mechanized Infantry Battalion) during such an exercise.
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We hope that you’ll enjoy these prizes and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!