Today, we’d like to show you another German-themed skin for this year’s German Unity Day – Leopard 1A5 Bundeswehr.
German Leopard 1A5
Leopard 1A5 Bundeswehr is, as its name suggests, a skin for the Leopard 1A5 progression MBT. The Leopard 1A5 is, of course, the most advanced main service version of the Leopard 1 MBT and 1845 Leopard 1s were converted from older Leopard 1 variants starting from 1987. They are currently still in service, although not in Germany.
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The Leopard 1A5 skin we are introducing is based on a Leopard 1A5 belonging to the 183rd Tank Battalion (Panzerbataillon 183) as seen in the early 1990s during a joint exercise with the Danish military in Oksbøl. While never having fired a shot in anger, the unit was disbanded in 2007 after 50 years of history.
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The vehicle bears the tactical number Black 733 and the name Löwe (along with a symbol of a lion). This actually isn’t a reference to an animal per se – West German vehicles were sometimes marked with the family names of their commanders.
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We picked this tank because it has no previous skins available to it and is an iconic MBT of the Bundeswehr era alongside the famous Leopard 2.
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We hope that you’ll enjoy this skin set and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!