My.com and Obsidian Entertainment are proud to promote the player-organized North American server Open Tournament! Teams willing to test their mettle against the best players on the North American server are invited to take part.
Format: Single elimination, double bracket 2 day event, 12 vs 12 + 1 commander/observer/caller
- Gold Placing: MERC Pack (5Tanks)
- Silver Placing: Wolfi Pack (3 Tanks)
- Bronze Placing: Shishkin Pack (2 Tanks)
If a player already has the tanks in their garage, they will receive their cost equivalent in credit.
- Any group may apply and battle for dominance - 32 teams maximum
- Tournament takes place on North-American server
- 12 vs.12 + optional 1 (one) commander/observer/caller
- Max tier of tanks: 6
- No premium or reward tanks
- No tank class restrictions
- All Battles will be played in Encounter mode
- Ten minute battle timer
- #1 Narrows
- #2 Narrows
- #3 Roughneck
- #4 Roughneck
- #5 Final: Roughneck
Commander/Observer/Caller have to stick to these special rules:
- Commander/observer/caller uses tier 1 tanks
- Commander/observer/caller tank is to be destroyed at the beginning of the game by the means of team-kill
- The vehicle has to be destroyed in the first 30 seconds of a match
- Not destroying the commander/observer/caller vehicle will be a default loss
- You may play without a commander/observer/caller
- "Best of Three" single elimination - double bracket
- Preset map for every round of the tournament
- Time for one game: 10 minutes (finals will be 10 minutes long as well)
- Spawn-points: the team which is in the upper field of the bracket may chose their first spawn
- Spawns thereafter will alternate
- The winning team has to submit the results and screenshots! Results are to be e-mailed to: LordsofAW@gmail.com
- There is a 1 minute cool-down before the launch button is pressed. No teams may change players or tanks during this cool-down. If a player or tank has to be changed, the 1 minute cool-down re-starts
Preparation and Match-Start
- The Team in the upper field is the "home team". It has to open the match lobby and invite the opposing team
- The Games will be started at 3 pm (EST) 12 pm (PST)
- After inviting the opposing team leader, the lobby will be held open until both teams are complete, maximum of 5 minutes
- If one team has less than 6 players, the game won't be started. This Match will be counted as "default loss" for this team! The full team has to create a screenshot of the lobby and inform the Tournament management
- If one team has more than 6 but less than 12 players, this team can decide to either play or leave by default loss. Both Team-leaders have to create a screenshot of this and please contact the management
- If 3 or more players of one team or 4 players of both teams are disconnected while in match preparation, the lobby will be restarted (max. 1 reset). If this does not solve the problem, please contact the management and await further instructions! (Contact Tournament staff in TS)
- Newly started lobbies have to wait 2 Minutes until they start again. Repeating disconnect should be reported instantly to the Tournament Staff. Please create screenshots, to prove this issue
- If Players are disconnected after the game officially started (after the preparation time), the game will not be stopped or newly started, the game will be played and counted regularly. Players may try to reconnect by restarting their client
Behavior and Protests in the game
Sportsmanship! Any Un-sportsmanship like conduct, racism, insults, exploits, etc. will be screen-shotted and turned over to the AW PeaceKeepers for further action. Unsportsmanlike behavior can lead to your Team being disqualified from the Tournament.
- Any match protests have to be submitted directly after the match ends
- All normal screenshots, according to the rules, have to be made
- Protests are made exclusively by the Team leader
- Keep it short! Please don't write essays as protests
- Only Team Captains/ Leaders/ Commanders may submit screen captures for violations with Tournament Staff
Tournament Preparation
- The Tournament starts at 3 pm (EST) 12 pm (PST) on 30 January 2016
- The Team-leaders will join the official TS at 2 pm (EST) 11 am (PST)
- There will be a meeting of ALL Team leaders and Tournament staff at 2:15pm (EST) 11:15 (PST) in the Teamspeak Channel TOURNAMENTS/GENERAL
- TS Server: aw.syn-games.com
- If a Team is missing at 2:30 pm (EST), we will give the slot to a Team on the waiting list
- For this issue, we ask the Team Leaders on the waiting list, to join the TS (aw.syn-games.com) as well
- At 2:45 pm (EST) 11:45 am (PST) we will shuffle the bracket and bring the final bracket! BOTH days will be shuffled to start the matches
- We will be playing in Custom Match-Rooms of Armored Warfare
- Streaming is permitted! But please with 5 minutes delay
- If you are a streamer, please contact the organizers with location of stream
- Observers of a team are forbidden. Only official streamers are allowed
- Players may not stream
That's it - we hope you'll have fun and see you on the battlefield!