We’re thrilled to announce that we’re supporting the first ever North American player-run Armored Warfare tournament! We recently had an awesome player-run tournament over in Europe called TankMania, and now a group of North American players has taken up the gauntlet and will be running the North American Winter Cup 2015 Tournament!
This will be a 10 vs 10 Best-of-3 Single Elimination Tournament! You can view all the details here:

Click on the Image to View Details!
We’re excited to be supporting the North American Winter Cup 2015 with some really great prizes:
- 1st Place: Up to 15 "Mystery" Premium Tank Packs (5 tanks)
- 2nd Place: Up to 15 "Mystery" Premium Tank Packs (3 Tanks)
- 3rd Place: Up to 15 "Mystery" Premium Tank Packs (2 Tanks)
Obviously you’re wondering what these Mystery tanks are, but you’ll just have to wait. Although, we can promise you that it will be worth your while!
We look forward to seeing you all in the tournament!