My.com is proud to present the results of the North American Winter Cup 2015 10 vs 10 Best-of-3 Single Elimination Tournament that took place on December 19th, 2015!

The winning teams and players of the tournament are:
- 1st Place - BADGER (enVy, Cauldronborn, Pink_Guy, Virusriv, SaintBlindFire, Spishak, H3LLFish, Welinator, BigNoxx, IM_A_BANANA, SgtNightwars, x99percent_luck, XiLxBULLETx, wazzybear, Bobo)
- 2nd Place - KEVIN (Kilo, Blaspheme, Terrachova, Wandorf, Pompous, GentleStraw, Xanitos, Masasume, illusionalsgcty, Gyarados, Obey, Check, Gatortribe, Zeven, GimliTron)
- 3rd Place - OTTER (Tenet, Adeptus, Bugpicker, DCLONTZ, Loki_Blitzkrieg, Redux, Sadukar09, Superfist, JustPanda, YT4LYFE, MARNE_6, Jhungry, Tigermate, Xelos, KnightCole)
- 4th Place - DNGR (SpecOps12, BlazeZero, NoObSkiLLz, TheLaxBrah, Takua, Mitigator, RaidenSears, DasMoss, Feventus, Strix_Nebulosa, Clandestine, Malocyte, Sixstringsamurai, Asel_Parish, FluffyCats)
- 5th Place - FTQC, REDSKY, MVP, BEAST
Congratulations to all the winners and see you on the next tournament!