List of Main 0.9 Features
- New very large map - Reactor
- Twelve new PvE missions
- Weapon group system overhaul
- Player report feature
- Audio improvements
- Multiple vehicle rebalances
Feature Preview
The Reactor Map - a nuclear reactor plant in Spain was recently attacked by unknown assailants. Catastrophic damage to the cooling towers resulted in a global system shutdown but the reactor keeps on overheating. Mercenary units in the area were tasked with the securing of the facility only to find it occupied by a large number of terrorist forces. Time is running out - for you and for the entire region. The Reactor is a large (1400 x 1400 meters) map that will offer enough space for any types of tactics.

Twelve new PvE missions - located all across the globe, the twelve new PvE missions will put your skills to the test like never before. From the snowy tundra of Russia to the sands of Africa, enemy factions bent on subverting the world to their needs are gathering their forces to strike. It's time to strike back.

Weapon Groups system overhaul - the Weapon Group systems has been expanded from just artillery vehicles to include vehicles with multiple weapons systems. The weapon group system removes the full reload of ammunition when switching between separate weapons on a vehicle and allows up to two weapons to reload simultaneously. The following vehicles now support multiple weapons: Begleitpanzer 57, BMD-1, BMD-2, BMD-4, BMP-2, BMP-3, BMP-3M, BMPT Prototype, BMOP Ramka, FV721, M2 Bradley, BMP-1P

Player reporting - players will now be able to report inappropriate behavior in match. To use the reporting system, right click on the offending player name and select “Report” and fill out the form.
List of Changes in 0.9
Tutorial system
- Added new content
- Made changes to the tutorial mission (Operation Royalty) pacing
- Increased shell velocity of artillery illumination rounds from 300mps to 400mps to bring it on par with smoke rounds
- Increased reload time for artillery smoke shells from 10 seconds to 15 seconds
Dealer Trees
- Added "Preview" and "Coming Soon" vehicle containers to the Dealer Trees for upcoming Tier 9 and Tier 10 vehicles
- Fixed incorrect AFV class trait descriptions
- Fixed incorrect TD class trait descriptions
- Fixed incorrect LT class trait descriptions
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
- Adjusted the settings on the ATGM warnings to have a smaller range
- Warning distance decreased from 600 meters to 400 meters
Hit Resolution System - we updated the hit resolution system to normalize crew and component damage across all tiers. In the prior implementation, crew and component health values scaled up with the tier of the vehicle so that they would be synchronized to the increase in weapon damage values as tier increased, but this resulted in situations where a vehicle attacking an enemy vehicle two tiers up would have a difficult time destroying components or wounding crew, which a vehicle attacking an enemy vehicle two tiers down could easily damage components or take out crew in a single shot. This update will mean that it will take about the same amount of shots to damage components or wound crew regardless of the attacker or defender's vehicle tier.
Map Changes
- Roughneck - added some cover in the map and adjusted the hills to better protect players moving out of the south spawn locations. This helps counter a couple of the overpowered hill locations on the northern side of the map looking into the big and small refineries
- Lost Island - changed material surface type on huts in Lost Island to be penetrable as to not block player shots
PvE Changes
- M113 AI Vehicles - Reduced Penetration on Fragile models.
- BMP-3 AI Vehicles - Reduced Damage slightly on all variants to compensate for the fact they are shooting rounds that don't need to penetrate
- AMX-10P PAC90 AI Vehicles - Reduced Damage slightly on all variants to compensate for the fact they are shooting rounds that don't need to penetrate
- Reduced Damage Values across many of the AI artillery vehicles. This in combination with reduced reaction times should help so that AI artillery can't focus fire and dismantle a vehicle so quickly
- Adjusted the point values and AI vehicle costs to provide some more diversity in enemies across the mid tiers
Audio Changes
- Volume Adjustments - the mix has been updated to allow important sound elements to be heard more clearly. The end result is a more dynamic mix with priority placed on cannon and impact sounds
- PvE Scripted Events - the audio for scripted events in all PvE maps have been either added or re-timed
New Sounds - new sounds have been added for the following gameplay features and elements:
- Spaced armor impacts
- ERA detonations
- Ammo rack destruction
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused player cannon and vehicle sounds to disappear while in arty mode
- Fixed an issue that caused vehicle sounds to distort while in spectator mode
Vehicle Changes
- Fixed the smoke grenade modules on the BMP-1P, ERC-90 F4 and the T-72A
M60A2 - the M60A2's performance is a little below standard levels for the tier, especially in terms of win rate. We've helped boost the vehicle's survivability and raised the penetration of the vehicle's standard Shaped Charge ammos to the same values as the fully upgraded Sheridan to make the vehicle a better brawler
- HP increased from 1245 to 1345
- Stock Shaped Charge penetration increased from 256 to 309
- Upgraded Shaped Charge penetration increase from 267 to 316
Smaller Caliber Cannon Changes - we've significantly increased the penetration of smaller caliber main tank guns (anything under 100mm). These vehicles have generally performed lower in our telemetry data than vehicles with larger caliber guns, and we believe the difficulty with landing penetrating hits is a major part of that problem. Please note that smaller caliber guns will still have lower penetration values than higher caliber guns, but we've made the difference smaller. This resulted in numerous changes since global tables were modified, but the following change list represents a summary of most of the major changes.
- AMX-10P PAC90 AP penetration increased from 222 to 235
- BMD-1 stock shaped charge penetration increased from 155 to 183
- BMD-1 fully upgraded shaped charge penetration increased from 166 to 196
- BMP-1 stock shaped charge penetration increased from 148 to 175
- BMP-1 fully upgraded shaped charge penetration increased from 158 to 187
- BMP-1P stock shaped charge penetration increased from 155 to 183
- BMP-1P fully upgraded shaped charge penetration increased from 162 to 192
- Dragoon 300 90 stock shaped charge penetration increased from 165 to 175
- Dragoon 300 90 fully upgraded shaped charge penetration increased from 177 to 187
- Dragoon 300 90 APFSDS penetration increased from 211 to 224
- ERC 90 stock AP penetration increased from 216 to 218
- ERC 90 fully upgraded AP penetration increased from 227 to 229
- LAV-150 90 AP pen increased from 197 to 199
- LAV-300 stock shaped charge penetration increased from 165 to 175
- LAV-300 fully upgraded shaped chare penetration increased from 177 to 187
- LAV-300 fully upgraded AP penetration increased from 211 to 224
- M41 stock penetration increased from 124 to 146
- M41 fully upgraded penetration increased from 130 to 154
- M48 stock penetration increased from 156 to 165
- M48 fully upgraded penetration increased from 167 to 177
- PT-76 stock penetration increased from 133 to 140
- PT-76 fully upgraded penetration increased from 143 to 150
- RDF LT AP penetration increased from 216 to 255
- T92 AP penetration increased from 124 to 146
- 2S14 Zhalo-S AP penetration increased from 201 to 213
User Interface
- Introduced more decals for players to customize their vehicles with
- Weapons in the Upgrade window can now be compared to other weapons to see the actual performance increase
- In the post-battle debriefing, award tooltips now include the award name
- Updated M48, M60, M60A1, M60A2, and M60A3 vehicle names on the dealer screen to be more in line with historical data
- Mouse-panning on dealer screen no longer degrades application performance
- Removed damaged state from crew members since it wasn't incurring any penalties. The knocked out state still exists.
- Tooltips added to post-match screen for mission and objective reward
- Vehicle Statistics - updated the vehicle stat bars used in various garage UI elements so that they use an absolute scale instead of a tier-relative scale. In other words, the bars will represent the vehicle's stats compared to all other vehicles in the game, in contrast to the previous implementation which represented the vehicle's stats compared only to other vehicles in the same tier.
- Hit Detail Panels - Hit detail panels have been added allowing players to see a record of damage dealt and damage received during a match. These two new displays are disabled by default but can be enabled in the settings screen under the UI tab. Scroll down to 'hit details' and remove the checkboxes to enable these two new windows. In-match, you can move the displays where you want by entering mouse mode via the CTRL key.