On the 5th of December 2019, starting from 8:00 CET (4th of December, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.30.5852.
List of Update 0.30.5852 Changes
Mechanized Infantry Returns
In this Update, we are returning the Mechanized Infantry feature to the game. As we promised, we made a number of changes that were previously broadly described in our dedicated article.
Here’s what else changed:
- Friendly fire does no longer affect Mechanized Infantry (it’s still possible to run them over though)
- Improved the spotting range of prone Snipers
- Mechanized Infantry damage no longer protects you from being tagged as AFK
- Once per minute, a Sniper can mark spotted enemies in order for them to receive increased damage
- Added a new medal called Recon Squad for spotting enemies using your Mechanized Infantry
- Fixed the Mortar Squad shell trajectory
- Reduced the Mortar Squad range to 350m
- Your Dossier now also shows Mechanized Infantry-related statistics
- Fixed several UI issues (Infantry designation etc.)
At the same time, we are introducing a new feature for MBTs – coaxial machineguns. A large number of MBTs will have their coaxial machineguns enabled as a separate weapon system – you can switch between MGs and your main weapon by pressing the button 4 (default setting) practically instantly.
- Al-Hussein
- Altay
- BM Oplot
- C1 Ariete
- Challenger 1
- Challenger Falcon
- Challenger 2
- Challenger 2 ATDU
- Challenger 2 Hades
- Chieftain (entire series)
- IS-7
- K1A1
- Kampfpanzer 70
- Leclerc
- Leclerc Prototype
- Leclerc T4
- Leopard 1
- Leopard 1A5
- Leopard 2
- Leopard Evolution
- Leopard Revolution
- Leopard 2A5
- Leopard 2A6
- Leopard 2AV
- M-50
- M-51
- Sabra Mk.2
- M-95 Degman
- M1
- XM1
- M1A1
- M1A1 AIM
- M1A1 Storm
- M1A2
- M1A2C
- XM1A3
- M48A3
- M60
- M60-2000
- M60A1
- M60A2
- M60A3
- Magach 5
- Magach 6B
- Magach 7A
- Magach 7C
- MBT-70
- Merkava I
- Merkava IIB
- Merkava IID
- Merkava III
- Merkava IV
- Merkava IVM
- Object 187
- Object 279
- Object 279
- Object 430
- Object 490
- OF-40
- Sho't Kal Dalet
- T-14 Armata
- T-14 Armata 152
- T-14 Armata Hades
- T-55
- T-55 Enigma
- T-55M1
- T-62
- T-62M
- T-64A Mod. 1969
- T-64A Mod. 1976
- T-72M2 Wilk
- T-72A
- T-72B
- T-72B3
- T-72 Ural
- T-80
- T-80B
- T-80U
- T-90
- T-90A
- T-90MS
- T-90MS Hades
- Tira n6
- Type 59-IIA
- Type 69-II
- Type 80-I
- Type 85-IIM
- Type 90
- Type 90-II
- Type 96
- Type 96A
- Type 96B
- 9910
- Type 99
- Type 99A
- Type 99A2
- Type 99A2-140
- Vickers Mk.7
- VT-4
Please note that for the purpose of the game, all coaxial machineguns are of 7.62mm caliber. After all, the game takes place in the 2040s and all mercenaries have retrofitted their vehicles to this caliber.
The machineguns fire AP bullets that deal 8-9 damage and can penetrate 18mm of steel. These are usable only against infantry or very lightly armored targets (such as Wiesels and Kornets), but they can be used to effectively puncture wheeled vehicle tires.
Kinetic Missile Vehicle Rebalance
The vehicles that are armed with kinetic missiles are being rebalanced for improved gameplay.
M8 MGM-166:
- Its missiles no longer deal damage by non-penetration hits
- Changed the limits, within which its penetration and damage values grow, from 250-700m to 200-800m
- Minimum and maximum range damage values for both types of missiles changed from 360-1189 to 360-1761
- Stock missile minimum and maximum penetration values changed from 500-1500mm to 500-1400mm
- Improved missile minimum and maximum penetration values changed from 700-2100mm to 600-1800mm
- Rate of fire reduced from 20 to 15 rounds per minute
- Camouflage penalty for firing increased from 30% to 50%
- Viewrange reduced from 400 to 370m
Bradley AAWS-H:
- Its missiles no longer deal damage by non-penetration hits
- Changed the limits, within which its penetration and damage values grow, from 250-700m to 200-800m
- Minimum and maximum range damage values changed from 360-1189 to 360-1761
- Minimum and maximum penetration values changed from 500-1500mm to 500-1400mm
- Camouflage penalty for firing increased from 30% to 50%
- Camouflage penalty for moving increased from 5% to 10% along with a correction of its mechanism
- Viewrange reduced from 400 to 360m
General Changes
- The time requirement for the Clock is Ticking achievement was increased from 4 to 7 minutes
- Shadow RST-V: Fixed an issue where having a damaged ammo rack would cause the vehicle to take double damage when shot at