On the 4th of October 2016, starting from 8:00 AM CEST (EU server) and 0:00 PDT (NA server), the Open Beta servers will not be available for four hours (until approximately 12:00 CEST - 4:00 AM PDT) due to the application of Hotfix 0.17.2665.
List of Hotfix 0.17.2665 Changes
- Fixed the "No Effect" issue where ATGMs, HEAT and AP rounds had a chance to pass through enemy vehicles while producing a "No Effect" resolution. Please note that "No Effect" is still a valid resolution in cases where a player shoots an inert section of a vehicle
- Fixed an issue where Commander Freja Hojbjerg's bonuses did not fit the unlock commander tool-tip under the BMD-1's upgrade tree
- Fixed an issue where a player who deserted a match before dying did not have his match stats properly updated in the dossier, creating an exploit where players could greatly inflate their win-rates by deserting a battle in-progress
Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.