On the 15th of May 2019, starting from 8:00 CEST (14th of May, 11 PM PDT), the server will not be available for 4 hours due to the application of Update 0.28.5448.
List of Update 0.28.5448 Changes
Firepower Rebalance
We are rebalancing several high-caliber shells based on the performance of the vehicles that fire them:
- XM1A3 140mm APFSDS penetration increased from 720 to 785mm and damage to 960
- XM1A3 – fixed the issue where its 120mm HEAT-MP shells would deal excessive HE damage
- Challenger 2 ATDU 140mm APFSDS penetration increased from 760 to 805mm and damage to 940
- Type 99A2-140 APFSDS damage increased to 920 and HE damage reduced to 850, reload time increased to 12.2s
- Armata 152 APFSDS damage increased to 1050, reload time increased to 13.7s
- IS-7 and Object 279 APFSDS damage increased to 630 and HE damage reduced to 470
- Additionally, Object 279 reload time was increased from 10.5s to 10.8s and the vehicle no longer has preferential Premium matchmaking
MBT-70, KPz-70, M551 Sheridan and M60A2 Starship 152mm shells are changed as such (where applicable):
- HEAT damage increased to 720
- APFSDS damage increased to 780
- Shillelagh ATGM damage increased to 760
The reload time of all four abovementioned vehicles was increased to 13.52s in order to keep the damage per minute output the same.
Finally, a number of vehicles underwent smaller accuracy, aim time and gun stabilization (accuracy when moving) value changes in order to keep the guns more diverse.
General Changes
- Fixed an issue where some battlefield or mission objects that were intended to be destroyed (Sebastian Grimm’s ship in the last Arabian Nights mission for example) were incorrectly treated as player-friendly
- AMX 10 RCR now has the Hydraulic Suspension active ability
- Added the option to add players who spam others with platoon invites (abusing the feature to harass players) to your personal blacklist, preventing them from inviting you or sending you messages
- ASCOD LT – fixed an issue that made it impossible to damage its turret ring
- BM Oplot – fixed an issue where some parts would not properly change their color upon the application of a base color or camouflage
- BMPT Series – fixed an issue where the ATGMs would not fly out of their launchers
- Challenger 1 – fixed a number of smaller armor issues, reduced the lower frontal plate thickness, improved its turret armor
- Challenger 1 Falcon – fixed a number of smaller armor issues, reduced the lower frontal plate thickness
- Expeditionary Tank – fixed an issue that made it impossible to damage its turret ring
- K1A1 – fixed an issue that caused its antenna to appear incorrectly when using a flag
- Kornet-EM – reduced its acceleration and maximum speed in order for the vehicle to behave more realistically, fixed an issue that made the reload UI appear stuck when reloading
- LAV-150 90 – fixed the smoke grenade launching point and improved the visual quality of its model, increased its rear turret armor to 17mm
- Leopard 2 Revolution – improved its low settings visual model
- M1A2 – improved the visual quality of its model
- T-72AV – fixed an issue where the blue skin (now called “Ash”) was impossible to remove
- T-72B3 – fixed a UI issue where the penalty for having your ammo rack damaged would appear incorrectly as being 0 percent
- T-80B – the model of this destroyed vehicle now shows side plates correctly
- T-80U – fixed the collision model of the vehicle, causing incorrect behavior when attempting to drive into a low space
- T-90A – the model of this destroyed vehicle now shows side plates correctly, improved its low settings visual model
- Type 85-IIM – fixed an issue where the gun and the actual aiming reticle would not align correctly
- VBL, VBL INGWE – fixed an issue where their smoke grenade launchers would not appear in Armor Inspector
- VBL INGWE – fixed an issue where the ATGMs would not fly out of the launchers
- XM1A3 – increased the armor of the lower part of its mantlet
- Fixed an issue where some shadows would flicker occasionally
- Fixed an issue that caused flags to shake when exiting the first person (sniper) mode
- Fixed the Garage description (traits) of several vehicles
- Fixed an issue that caused the older Special Operation battles, activated at the same time as the newest one (such as the recent Caribbean Crisis event) to not appear in your Dossier correctly
- Fixed an issue that caused the sky to be too bright on some maps
- Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash
- Fixed a number of smaller vehicle visual model issues
- Added a number of assets for upcoming events