It’s been a while since the Warlords of the Wasteland campaign successfully ended and, as we said before in our Developer Q&A and on other places, we were really happy with the turnout with thousands of players participating and winning the prizes we’ve prepared.
However, there’s always room for improvement. We’ve been carefully gathering your feedback and, today, we’d like to tell you more about the improvements we’ve made based on it.
Let’s start with the very core of the event that will in its essence remain the same. Once acquiring access to the campaign, you’ll be earning Battle Coins and spending them on Battle Path progress. Battle Coins will be earned either by just playing or by completing missions. Several mission sets will be available like the last time.
But here’s where things begin to get a bit different. For one, unlike the last time, all missions will be possible to complete in both PvP (including Global Operations) and PvE. Naturally, the objectives will be different for both modes – after all, destroying five enemy tanks in one PvP battle is quite a feat while destroying five enemy tanks in one PvE battle usually means that you were simply not AFK.
The way it will work, the PvE mode will be the default setting while completing the mission in PvP will be accomplished by the means of objective multipliers. In other words, if you have a mission where you need to destroy 150 tanks in PvE, for player vehicles, each player vehicle kill will be multiplied by the factor of 10, which in turn means that you will only need to destroy 15 enemy tanks.
This approach will allow you to easily combine your kills while playing whichever mode you feel like – destroying 10 AI opponents in PvE and 1 player tank in PvP will, in our example, reward you with 20 kills for the purpose of the mission goal. Please note, however, that since we are aiming at providing a challenge to every Battle Path participant, we will not be making things excessively easy:
- The missions will not be possible to complete in Tier 1 or 2 PvP with AI opponents
- PvE will be restricted to the harder difficulty of the two, Hardcore
The missions themselves were also tuned based on your experience with some of the least popular ones being removed since the last time. We are still in process of testing them but, in general, they will be split into four gameplay-based categories (three standard ones and one for very skilled players). The important part is:
- Fewer Battle Coins than last time will be tied to completing these missions (their focus shifting on other sources and standard gameplay)
- For this Battle Path, the most coveted prize – three reward vehicles – will not be tied to the completion of these missions either (being replaced by other prizes such as awesome-looking Skins)
Instead, they will be a part of the level rewards system that you will be able to progress through at your own pace (the first vehicle – the BVP M-80A – will be obtainable as early as on Level 10!). Speaking of pace, here’s another important improvement. We’ve reduced the amount of levels from 100 to 60 and improved the amount of Battle Coins you earn over time so that the campaign will be easier to progress through. Additionally, Battle Coin boosters will be available throughout the campaign to enhance your progress even further. The prizes were, of course, also improved.
Here’s a small taste of what awaits you:
- Four Premium vehicles including the Tier 10 Object 490
- Special Commander for the best of players
- Skins
- Camouflages (one per environment)
- Premium vehicles
- Premium time
- Decals, Loot Crates, Boosters, Credits, XP and much more!
One of the elements improving the Battle Coin income will be another new feature – Repeatable Battle Coin Missions.
The Age of Rage Battle Path will feature three repeatable missions that award you extra Battle Coins:
- Mission 1: Complete 1 Mission (24 hour cooldown)
- Mission 2: Complete 20 Missions (7 day cooldown, considerable reward)
- Mission 3: Earn 2.500 Battle Coins in battle (7 day cooldown, large reward)
Here’s the fun part. When we say “Complete 20 Missions”, we mean any missions – the Battle Path ones as well as those available through the standard Contract system. In other words, completing a Contract Mission will not only award you with the mission’s reward, but will also count for the purpose of the abovementioned Mission 1, thus granting you Battle Coins!
This system is intended as perhaps the most important source of Battle Coins. While the Battle Path missions have their own Battle Coin rewards, unlike these missions, they are not repeatable. What that means is you will never be left with no option but repeated battles (“grinding”).
Please note:
- Battalion Contract Missions do not count for the purpose of this event (after all, they are a group activity while the Battle Path is mostly an individual one)
- It will be possible to complete the Battle Path Repeatable Missions by paying a certain small amount of Gold – effectively a Gold to Battle Coin conversion system
- Repeatable Battle Path missions will be possible to complete even without obtaining the Battle Path access, allowing you to jump right in later on if you choose so without being left behind in progress
Once you reach the main prize, you’ll be able to spend your Battle Coins on Loot Crates containing, amongst other things, the fourth Battle Path Premium vehicle called BWP-2000.
And, finally, we’ve also thought of our players who aren’t living in our peak time zones. We understand that queues in some modes can get a bit longer than we’d like. For these players, we’ve prepared a new queue compensation mechanism – simply put, the longer the time they wait in their favorite mode’s queue, the bigger the bonus they will receive if they will fight at least one minute (this bonus will, of course, not apply if they spend the battle doing nothing).
Overall, this three-month event is designed for an average player to get to the top prize without any additional spending while a truly active player will be able to do it in two months – or even a month.
We really hope you’ll like it and, next time, we’ll tell you more about this event’s very special Commander. But until then:
See you on the battlefield!