We’d like to announce that Armored Warfare is moving away from the MY.GAMES Market as a platform for distributing various goods and bundles for you to enjoy. This is a part of a wider modernization of the product and its services that we are working on in parallel with the actual game development.
All goods (including Premium vehicles, Battle Path items and other items) are now available in our Shop.
For those of you with some unredeemed items in the old Market inventory, we’d like to urge you to redeem them as soon as possible in order to avoid any issues that may lead to you missing out on earlier gifts. You may access the Market still by clicking on the Market button in the launcher.
At the same time, we’re hard at work improving the Shop service for you all and addressing the issues that make some payments difficult or impossible in some countries or via certain platforms (such as Steam or Epic Game Store).
We are excited to take these initial steps in making Armored Warfare a better game and service for you all. We hope you’ll accompany us on that journey.
See you on the battlefield!