The Alps mountain range is vast and this year's winter set of missions is dedicated to the countries existing in its shadow. We’ve prepared a special event with you, featuring a valuable prize – an epic skin for the Leclerc T4 Tier 10 MBT.
This event is available until December 28, 2022 and its rules are very simple. You can participate simply by destroying 5 enemy vehicles in PvE (or 1 in PvP) every day (while driving a Tier 3 vehicle or higher) in order to receive a reward.
These rewards include:
- Rhône-Alpes skin for the Leclerc T4 Tier 10 MBT
- Swiss historical camouflage
- Italian Bersaglieri camouflage
- Player title “Bersagliere”
- Flag of Savoy
- Real-life decals
- Platinum boosters
- Gold Loot Crates
- Premium Time
- Battle Coins
And more.
Please note:
- This event may run concurrently with other events and is available to all players
- You may only complete one objective per day
- The event starts on December 2, 2022 and ends on December 28, 2022
We hope that you will enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield!