Bastille Day is an important French holiday taking place on July 14 (that we are also celebrating), which is why, this week, we’re offering French Premium vehicles and camouflages along with a historical skin based on a particular Leclerc vehicle.
Here’s what’s on offer:
- Glorieux skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 Main Battle Tank
- French camouflages
- Leclerc T40 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
- AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
- Two Special Loot Crates
Between July 9 and July 16, 2020, the following items will be available:
Glorieux Skin for Leclerc
Another realistic skin that we introduced based on your feedback is the Glorieux one. This skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank is based on one particular Leclerc MBT that took part in the KFOR operations in former Yugoslavia. Its unique camouflage along with other historical details makes it one of the best looking skins to date. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
This skin is available in a bundle along with the following items:
- White base paint (used by the French during U.N. peacekeeper missions, goes nicely with the next decal)
- U.N. decal (appearing on various white-painted peacekeeper Leclerc MBTs)
- KFOR decal (similar to the one on the Glorieux, only for all vehicles)
- 2nd Armored Brigade decal (also seen on multiple French vehicles during various parades)
Please note that the bundle includes the skin but not the Leclerc MBT itself. This tank needs to be obtained via progression directly in the game.

French Camouflages
We’ve also prepared two French historical camouflages. In reality, it’s pretty much one iconic camouflage with two different layouts that is most famous for its appearance on the Leclerc MBT. It consists of green, brown and black stripes and is available in two variants – one has the edges clearly defined while the other variant has them blurred. Both were observed on the Leclerc MBT, sometimes even on vehicles from the same series.
Please note that each of these camouflages can be installed on any vehicle that has the camouflage customization feature available (any vehicle with the exception of vehicles with permanent skins) and that each of these camouflages can be used in all three environments.

Leclerc T40
Sometimes called the French Terminator, this vehicle was designed on the Leclerc MBT chassis with one purpose in mind – to accompany tanks and fight off infantry attacks the same way as the Russian BMPT series does. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the Leclerc T40 is a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. It offers you a combination of a durable hull, rapid-fire 40mm automatic cannon and, most importantly, the Javelin missile system. Simply right-click the target, wait until it becomes locket and fire the Javelin ATGM – it will home itself on the target, attacking its weak roof armor. Thanks to this ability, the Leclerc T40 is one of the most destructive vehicles in the game.

The AMX 10 RCR is the updated variant of the French AMX 10 RC fire support vehicle by GIAT, originally developed in the early 1980s. This light and nimble wheeled 6x6 AFV was armed with a 105mm gun, allowing it to knock out even armored targets at considerable distances. Over 200 of these aging vehicles were upgraded by Nexter in 2010 with improved armor and electronics, enabling them to fulfill modern battlefield tasks until their eventual replacement by the Jaguar. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!
In Armored Warfare, the AMX 10 RCR is a Tier 8 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s incredibly agile with its wheeled chassis allowing it to outrun pretty much any enemy on the battlefield save for the fastest AFVs. Its gun accuracy is also top notch, making this vehicle perfect for sniper-style gameplay as its thin armor can’t protect it against enemy shells at close distances. This vehicle also comes with the Hydraulic Suspension active ability.

Iron Loot Crate and Tier 8 Loot Crate
While you are already familiar with the Iron Loot Crate that is available this week via MY.GAMES Market, this week, we’re also offering another special Loot Crate.
The Tier 8 Loot Crate contains Tier 8 vehicles only (not the M1A1 AIM Premium MBT though, that one will undergo a significant rebalance). As usual, the mechanics are very simple. Each crate allows you to win one of the listed items (or its value in Gold if you have it already). To learn more about what's in a chest simply click on it, this will launch a small pop up window to show you what’s inside.
After opening the crate, you will immediately roll on one of the items that are inside this Loot Crate and will see what you receive before you have to actually pay anything. No more random chances – you immediately see what you get and what you don’t. You can then opt to purchase the item you rolled on for the Loot Crate’s price. Until you do so, you will be unable to buy any other Loot Crate of the same type.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!