News Ritagamer plays Armored Warfare previous next Apr 28th | 2015 We are proud to announce that RitaGamer, a well-known streamer and YouTuber, has once again joined us in the Armored Warfare apha testing. How did she like it? Did she approve of the changes in the artillery mechanism? Find out in her video! Share Discuss on Discord previous next
Armor & Countermeasures Dev Diary We are pleased to present you with the follow-up to our Ammo Types Dev Diary: an in-depth look at Armor and Countermeasures.We hope that this two part series made the basics of penetration and defense clear to you in Armored Warfare! Apr 16th | 2015
Interview with Ritagamer Find out what one of the popular streamers and bloggers thinks about Armored Warfare! Jul 16th | 2015