
Update 0.191.4 Now Available


We are happy to announce that the Update 0.191.4 is now available!


List of Update 0.191.4 Changes

Please note: At this moment it’s not possible to install the War Pig skin on M1A2C Main Battle Tank. We apologize for the inconvenience; we are working on the issue.

Lone Star

We have made several updates to this Special Operation.

  • Fixed a very large number of places where players could get stuck (walls, the bridge, various ditches, under a bridge and so on)
  • Fixed an exploit where players could skip a considerable portion of the map and get to the final part early
  • Fixed a number of visual issues (including a spot where players could see outside of the map)
  • Improved the visuals in several areas (campus, harbor)
  • Fixed the achievement that requires players to destroy the helicopter quickly (the achievement will not be awarded retroactively)
  • Fixed the volume of the voiceover lines
  • Fixed an incorrect player respawn location
  • Fixed the death screen when killed by Hawkins’ helicopter

Tales from the Dark Battle Path Fixes

In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Tales from the Dark Battle Path and its vehicles:

  • T-90M: Improved Automatic Loader module is now working correctly
  • T-90M: Turret nets are now animated correctly
  • T-90M: Fixed the dirt appearance

Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • Ajax: Fixed an issue where the shells would fire through targets at close distances
  • BMP-1: Small visual fixes
  • BMP-1P: Small visual fixes
  • Boxer CRV: Fixed the HE explosion visual effect
  • EMBT: Turret no longer appears turned to the side when entering battle
  • EMBT: Small visual fixes
  • Strv 2000: Fixed an issue where, upon switching to 40mm autocannon, the vehicle would also fire the main gun
  • T-62M: Fixed the Rusalka skin appearance
  • T-80B: Fixed the machinegun’s elevation

General Changes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of assets (including the T-80BVM, which is not quite ready yet but will be soon)
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