We are happy to announce that the Update 0.247 is now available!
List of Update 0.247 Changes
Progress Boost for Vehicles
All progression vehicles now offer special bundles in exchange for Gold that will instantly boost that vehicle’s progress to maximum. If you have some progress accumulated on a vehicle, the bundle gets progressively cheaper. See the screenshot above for an example. In connection with this feature, each progression vehicle’s “progression” section was moved to the top of its Upgrades window.
Please note that the bundle incorrectly states it offers “Reputation” instead of the correct “Experience” – this will be fixed.
Seahawks Battle Path
In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Seahawks Battle Path and its vehicles:
- Fixed the Grimm’s Leadership mission description (the mission requires 17 completions as per the counter while the description stated 15)
- Fixed the Seahawk mission icon in the debriefing window
- VN20: Sentry turret kills are now displayed correctly in the UI
- XK3 Phantom: The Ambush ability is now set as a default one
XM2001 Crusader
This update is bringing the XM2001 Crusader Tier 10 Premium SPG (that is going to be available in the near future). You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
Please note that compared to the article, the vehicle gained two new abilities:
- M982 Excalibur guided HE shells
- Supercharged soft-kill APS
Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates
With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:
- Altay: Target lock for the top attack shells now has its correct sound
- Boxer RIWP: TOW turret no longer comes with partially loaded ATGMs
- Boxer RIWP: All base paints now work correctly with the Warhawk skin
- Boxer RIWP: Front of the vehicle now changes colors correctly based on the selected base paint on the Warhawk skin
- Boxer RIWP: Fixed the Warhawk skin battalion decal placement
- Boxer RIWP: Fixed numerous smaller visual issues of the Warhawk skin
- BMP-2M: Fixed the Volnorez visual model
- BMP-2M: Fixed the smoke grenade launcher visual model
- BMP-2M: Fixed the exhaust grille visual model
- BMP-2M: Fixed the missing textures on a destroyed visual model
- BMP-2M: Fixed many other smaller visual issues
- BTR-82A: Fixed the camouflage layout of this vehicle
- BTR-82A: Double missile launch module is no longer getting randomly removed
- BTR-82A: Roadwheels no longer clip into the suspension
- BTR-82A: Turret parts such as the machinegun can no longer be fired through
- BTR-82A: Fixed the headlight visual effect
- BTR-82A: Fixed an issue where the wheels didn’t connect with the ground properly
- BTR-82A: Fixed several texture issues (rubber parts in the front, shading in the back)
- BTR-82A: Fixed the gunfire visual effect
- BTR-82A: Fixed many other smaller visual issues
- Challenger 2 ATDU: Fixed the Desert Rat and Honey Badger skin icons
- K2 Black Panther: Target lock for the top attack shells now has its correct sound
- KF41 Lynx Prototype: Fixed several texture issues
- KF41 Lynx Prototype: Added the correct model of door and troop compartment
- KF51 Panther: Fixed the rear light appearance
- M1128 Stryker: Fixed the destroyed model appearance
- M60A3 SLEP: Fixed the gun position
- MPF Light Tank: Fixed the gun position
- T-15 Armata: Fixed an issue where the vehicle started matches on desert maps covered in dirt
- T-90M Proryv: Fixed the camouflage layout of this vehicle
- T-90M Proryv: Fixed the excessive dirt on certain graphics settings
- T-90M Proryv: Rear turret ERA no longer clips into the turret
- T-90M Proryv: Suspension is now correctly animated
- T-90M Proryv: Fixed numerous other smaller visual issues
- TTB: Fixed the gun module size so that it cannot be damaged when firing outside of the turret
- XM1A3: Trophy Next Gen module is now correctly localized
General Changes
- Fixed several more reasons causing the game to crash
- Fixed an issue where defeated players could not switch the camera between different friendly vehicles
- Fixed an issue where low-Tier targets were missing from the Alabino map
- Commander skill reset is now working correctly
- Dynamic decals are now working correctly on the Alabino map
- Fixed an issue where the gunfire sound behaved incorrectly when switching between the third person mode and first person mode while firing the gun
- Fixed several localization issues
- Added a number of new assets for future events