We are happy to announce that the Update 0.250 is now available!
List of Update 0.250 Changes
TOS-1M Changes
In this update, we are addressing the matter of TOS-1M and its gameplay. The vehicle currently has two issues. First, thanks to its armor and the lack of ammo rack it can ride out, deal enormous damage while weathering incoming fire, and hide again for reload. Secondly, the basic 122mm configuration is useless due to its abysmal accuracy. We are therefore introducing the following changes:
- Reduced the frontal turret armor of the vehicle (thus creating a large weakspot)
- Removed the “unmanned turret” feature
- Hard-kill APS now only works in the frontal arc (much like the one on the KF51 Panther)
- Increased the accuracy of 122mm rockets
AFT-10 Improvements
The AFT-10 Tier 10 Premium Tank Destroyer has been underperforming for a long time. We are therefore introducing the following changes:
- Vehicle’s ATGMs now ignore soft-kill APS
- Increased the missile agility from 20 deg/s to 30 deg/s
- Increased the camouflage factor from 20% to 30%
- Reduced the time between launches from 3.53s to 3s
- Reduced the launcher reload time from 34s to 30s
Seahawks Battle Path
In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Seahawks Battle Path and its vehicles:
- VN20: Fixed an issue where the vehicle received too high damage by ramming
- VN20: Fixed other smaller visual issues
- Fixed the description of the “Eliminate the Marauders!” mission
Vehicle Fixes and Updates
With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:
- Ajax: Dirt and snow now applies correctly to the Desert Ajax skin
- AMX-10P PAC 90: Machinegun is now animated properly
- Arjun: Removed the cover from the vehicle’s machinegun port
- BM Oplot: Slightly increased the lower frontal plate thickness
- BM Oplot: Significantly increased the thickness of the frontal part of its side armor
- Boxer RIWP: XM5 Warhawk skin now changes its colors correctly
- BTR-82A: Some parts of cage armor are no longer transparent
- BTR-82A: Fixed other smaller visual issues
- CV90120T Ghost: Machinegun is now animated properly
- ERC-90 F4: Fixed the machinegun animation
- Harimau: Machinegun is now animated properly
- IT-1: Vehicle now has a working machinegun
- K21 XC-8: Machinegun is now animated properly
- KF41: Troop compartment door is no longer camouflaged from the inside
- Kornet-D1: Activating the Retreat ability no longer makes the vehicle fire faster
- Kornet-EM: On the Military Police skin, the police signal lights now only activate when you turn the headlights on
- Kornet-EM On the Military Police skin, fixed the signal lights being white on low graphics settings
- Leclerc Prototype: Machinegun is now animated properly
- M109A6 Paladin: Fixed the machinegun elevation
- M60: Camouflage is no longer applied to the engine exhaust grille
- M8 Hades: Fixed the machinegun location and elevation
- M8-105 Buford: Fixed the machinegun location and elevation
- MGM-166: Machinegun is now animated properly
- Object 187: Machinegun is now animated properly
- Object 287: Vehicle now has a working machinegun
- Object 640: Fixed the machinegun depression so that it no longer fires through the hull
- PT-76: Machinegun is now animated properly
- Puma: Bolts on the top of the hull are no longer flickering
- Puma: Fixed other smaller visual issues
- T-15 Kinzhal: Empty shell casings no longer hang in the air
- T-62M: The Rusalka inscription on the Rusalka skin is no longer flickering
- T-64BV Mod.2017: Fixed the machinegun position
- T-72 Victory: Acquiring the vehicle no longer makes the crew lose a level on the original T-72 Ural
- T-80UM-1 Bars: Fixed the unlock achievement UI
- T-80UM-1 Bars: Machinegun is now animated properly
- T-90: Fixed the missing turret elements
- T-90A: Fixed the broken Relikt ERA
- T-90M Proryv: Removed the fuel tank internal module (the way it is on other vehicles)
- T-90M Proryv: Turret ERA now has a matte anti-slip surface as it does in real life
- T-90M Proryv: Surveillance equipment on the turret is now correctly painted black
- T-90M Proryv: Fixed the rear ERA color (rear panels are no longer black and the “soft” ERA bags change color properly)
- T92 Light Tank: Machinegun is now animated properly
- Type 90-II: Spall Liner module now has a correct unlocking price
- Type 99A2: Fixed the machinegun’s depression angle
- Type 99A2-140: Fixed the machinegun’s depression angle
- Type 99B: Machinegun is now animated properly
- XM1A3: Fixed the missing frontal side ERA panels
- ZUBR PSP: Machinegun is now animated properly
General Changes
- Fixed an issue that caused a major performance loss when activating headlights
- Lone Star: Death cutscene now has a soundtrack
- Lone Star: Death cutscene camera no longer clips through the ground
- Lone Star: Players can no longer enter an area they weren’t supposed to at D1
- Lone Star: Fixed a building with missing textures in the north-eastern area of the map
- Lone Star: Fixed an issue that caused enemy vehicles to teleport around
- Fixed the icons of USA (Winter) and Russian (Winter) camouflages
- Fixed the texts for unlocking vehicle progress for Gold
- Added the assets for future events