We are happy to announce that the Update 0.41.2 is now available!
List of Update 0.41.2 Changes
- 2S38 Derivatsiya: Reverted the PELE guided round change to the previous (pre-0.41.1) state as the fix caused some other unintended behavior
- Centurion AVRE: Changed the model size
- Centurion AVRE: Fixed the minimum settings visual model
- Centurion AVRE: Changed the gun sound to a large caliber one
- Leopard 1A5: Several visual model fixes
- T-15 Kinzhal: Fixed an issue where the gun fired 2-shell burst instead of the intended 3-shell burst
- Fixed an issue where installing the KPz T 55 skin on the T-55 MBT affected its turret traverse rate
- Fixed several smaller visual issues
- Fixed several smaller localization issues