This week, we’ve prepared another set of attractive items for you:
- Type 99A2-140 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
- VT-5 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
- Vickers Mk.7/2 Vanquisher Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
Between May 14 and May 21, 2020, the following items will be available:
Type 99A2-140
The Type 99A2-140 is an experimental version of the most advanced Chinese Main Battle Tank in existence – the Type 99A. Unlike its production counterpart, however, it is not armed with a 125mm smoothbore, but massive 140mm smoothbore cannon. This is a theoretical upgrade to the vehicle – while the People’s Republic of China was considering upgrading the firepower of its Main Battle Tanks to face latest western and Russian MBT models, a 140mm gun was never installed on this chassis and was only mentioned in passing by certain Chinese sources. Now, however, your enemies will have the opportunity to experience what such a vehicle with you in command would be like to face in battle!
In Armored Warfare, the Type 99A2-140 is a rather unique Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is essentially a version of the progression Type 99A2 Tier 10 MBT with one difference – the 140mm gun, trading its rate of fire for penetration and single shell damage. It is very fast and mobile (with its maximum speed being well over 90 km/h), protected by ERA and APS both and capable of using an acceleration-boosting active ability that pushes its engine far beyond the limits of common Main Battle Tanks. If used right, the vehicle is extremely deadly and one of the best Tier 10 MBTs on the battlefields of Armored Warfare.
The Type 99A2-140 MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

The VT-5 is a modern Chinese Light Tank that was developed specifically with export in mind. There are many reasons why a country without its own tank development should opt to purchase a Light Tank instead of a full-scale Main Battle Tank. It’s equally as fast if not faster with equal firepower but, what is most important, it is affordable. The VT-5 excels in all these categories. While its armor cannot match that of an MBT, it can protect its crew against most infantry threats thanks to its ERA and cage armor sets. It also has a powerful 105mm gun capable of firing guided missiles, it is packed with advanced electronics and is supremely agile thanks to its 1000hp diesel engine. Simply put, wraps cutting edge technologies up into an affordable bundle. You can learn more about it in a dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the VT-5 is a very powerful Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Fast and agile, it features solid levels of protection (the configuration in the game is the one featuring the ERA kit as well as the turret cage armor) and a good rate of fire. Additionally, its gun is capable of firing guided missiles. It’s an ideal machine for players who value speed and agility, as it offers plenty of both. The VT-5 is capable of dancing around its opponents on the battlefield, outperforming even some AFVs in mobility.

Vickers Mk.7/2 Vanquisher
The Vickers Mk.7/2 was one of the last members of the famous Vickers MBT British tank export series. It was built around the advanced Vickers turret (with a wide range of guns offered as options), combined with a modified Leopard 2 hull. A single prototype was built in 1985, but failed to attract any customers. The tank was never mass-produced but the lessons learned by Vickers from its development were used when designing the Challenger 2 MBT. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the Vickers Mk.7/2 is a Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank with a special “Vanquisher” British-themed camouflage, well-armored in the best Albion tradition.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!