As you all likely know, due to the difficulties with website transfer, the daily bonus from the launcher stopped working properly. However, fear not. There’s a way around this bug that we’d like to tell you so you can claim your bonuses. This method was discovered by player Cupa and works as such:
- Start the game
- Activate the store in INGAME window (the Top Up button)
- Activate the gift in the store (regardless of whether you have already done so) or click around there
- Close the store, but stay in the game
- Switch to the MG Launcher
- The dailies are now displayed there, or right-click to update them
- Get the bonus and wait 1-2 minutes until the bonuses appear in the game (or restart the game)
Let’s take a look at it, step by step. This is how your launcher looks at the start of the game. You cannot claim your bonus at this point due to the “you are not logged in” error.
Start the game, press the Top Up button.
Ingame browser will open. Press the AW button.
Scroll down and press the Shop button. The Shop will open in a regular browser window, the game will minimize.
You can for example claim the gift in this window.
Switch to the (currently minimized) MG Launcher. The daily bonus will now be available normally.
And that’s it, commanders. We hope you’ll forgive us this temporary, complicated way. We are working hard on making things more convenient.
See you on the battlefield!