
Gold Subscription


Today we’ve prepared for you a special offer and feature called Gold Subscription.


The principle is simple. For 7.50 EUR (offer available until March 27, 12:00 CET), you’ll be able to obtain a bundle with 1.000 Gold from our Web Shop. But that’s just the beginning.

By purchasing the bundle, you’ll enter the Gold Subscription program where you log in every day (once per day) to Armored Warfare in order to claim a very special bonus that will become available to you – 300 Gold per day for the duration of 30 days.

All you need to do is log in every day, claim it, and it’s yours!

As was mentioned above, this bonus lasts for of 30 days (you can claim the bonus 30 times), bringing the total amount of Gold obtained to whopping 10.000 Gold, providing you don’t skip a single day logging in. And that’s one big pile of Gold!

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


We hope that you’ll enjoy this amazing offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!

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