Welcome to the seventeenth issue of the Community Highlight series, dedicated to the community members of Armored Warfare, their contributions and their interaction with the developers. Find out more about the game, learn something new and check out the cool community content!
My.com and Obsidian Entertainment Events and Content
Update 0.15
Update 0.15 was released for testing on the Public Test Server (currently available only in the Russian region). Read about its main features!
Panzer Showdown
Joined your favourite faction yet? No? You'll miss your chance to win 7 days of Premium Time! The Panzer Showdown event is a clash between three major mercenary forces taking place in Germany. Read more about it in our introduction article. Top 100 ranking for each faction can be viewed here.
Replay Contest
The winners of the Replay Contest were announced! The task was to make short replay clips and here are the results:
1st Place - Woras
2nd Place - iMartynas
3rd Place - iGhost
4th Place - Envison
5th Place - u_3943828
6th Place - theSunAlsoRises
7th Place - kopocko
8th Place - zMeul80
9th Place - Drod
10th Place - Envison
Community Content
The Armored Warfare community produced a number of interesting written Guides and other content:
- Interested in making Armored Warfare look better than on "Ultra" settings? Gatortribe's guide is here for you!
- Looking for a new Armored Warfare blog to sink your teeth in? Check out Quesnel's Tanking Tales for heaps of interesting content!
- Not sure which order modules for certain vehicles should be unlocked in? Fel1x' Guide will help!
Who knew a presidential candidate could be so fun? Introducing Bernie Sanders and his epic ERC-90 battle!
Tier 10 vehicles appeared on the Public Test Server and DeJager was one of the people to test them. Here's his review of the XM1A3!
ToxikWarrior previews the Challenger 2B upcoming Tier 10 MBT!
Spitfire_, Armored Warfare moderator, reviews the M1A2 Abrams!
That's it for today, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield! You can submit your community contribution to our dedicated forum section, perhaps it will be your work featured next time!