Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are happy to announce the Gold Madness event! Are you ready to once again get your purchased Gold back, to receive a bonus along with any Gold purchase, or for a Reputation Conversion bonus?
Get Your Gold Back
From the 29th of September 00:01 CEST (28th of September 3:01 PM PDT) to the 30th of September 9:00 CEST (0:01 PDT), players who spend Gold on any item available either within the game or on the Armored Warfare website will receive all the spent Gold back!
Please note:
- Only the Gold that was purchased during this event will be returned (Gold, purchased before the event but spent during it will not be returned)
- The Gold will be returned on the 13th of October 2016
- The Gold Bundle Bonus (1000 Gold for the NA server, 1100 Gold for the EU server) does count towards the Gold Purchased counter and will be returned as well
- Mobile packages are excluded from this event
As an example, a player, who purchases 6000 Gold during the event but spends 7000 Gold, will only receive 6000 Gold on the 13th of October.
Gold Bundle Bonus Encore
On the 29th of September 00:01 CEST (28th of September 3:01 PM PDT), we are resetting the "once per event" counter for the Gold Bundle Bonus.
Players, who already received the 1000 Gold (1100 Gold for the EU server) bonus during the Gold Bundle Bonus event can now receive it once again.
Please note:
- Players, who did not purchase any Gold during this event yet, can only receive the Gold Bundle Bonus once
As an example:
- A player, who already purchased the 4.99 EUR Gold bundle during the Gold Bundle Bonus event and received the 1100 Gold bonus, can now purchase another 4.99 EUR bundle and once again receive the 1100 Gold bonus
- A player, who has not purchased any gold during the Gold Bundle Bonus event, but does so now, will only be able to receive the bonus once
Global Reputation Conversion Bonus
Last but not least, all players will receive a 20% bonus to Global Reputation conversion until the 30th of September 2016 (9 AM CEST, 00:01 PDT).
We hope that you will enjoy the Gold Madness event and will see you on the battlefield!