On the 5th of February 2019, starting from 8:00 CET (4th of February, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 4 hours due to the application of Update 0.27.5213.
List of Update 0.27.5213 Changes
Ramming Damage Overhaul
We changed the calculations of ramming damage for cases where one vehicle drops on another one from above – the bottom vehicle now takes the damage equivalent of being rammed by the upper one with the speed of 72 km/h every second with the minimum damage dealt every second being at least 5 percent of the lower vehicle’s maximum hitpoint value.
The upper vehicle takes one half of the same damage with the minimum damage dealt every second being at least 2.5 percent of the upper vehicle’s maximum hitpoint value.
Other Changes
- Compensated the Credits spent by players on Retrofits of the incorrectly issued and recently removed Marder 2 Pricefighter
- Fixed an issue that caused the autocannon sound to break and other sounds to disappear
- Type 90 – lower frontal plate armor reduced by 25%
- Type 90 – side plate thickness reduced from 60mm to 40mm
- K1A1 – upper frontal plate armor reduced by 5%
- K1A1 – turret ring armor reduced by 20%
- PL-01 – fixed an issue where hitting certain parts of the hull counted as hitting an unmanned turret (resulted in less damage than intended)
- The price of the following Tier 3 vehicles changed from 120.000 to 10.000 Credits: BMD-1, BMP-1, Dragoon 300 90, Leopard 1, OT-65A Vydra, Т-62, Tiran 6, Type 79
- The price of the following Tier 4 vehicles changed from 480.000 to 240.000 Credits: Magach 5, Sho't Kal Dalet, T-64A Mod. 1969, Type 80-II
- Apart from the changes listed above, the prices of other Tier 2 to Tier 4 progression vehicles are being changed as such – Tier 2 from 12.000 to 6.000, Tier 3 from 120.000 to 18.000 and Tier 4 from 480.000 to 320.000 Credits
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to incorrectly switch to PvE instead of Special Operations after a Special Operation battle
- Garage soundtrack no longer mixes with the sound of videos in the Garage