The AWL Spring Cup tournament is about to kick off! Here is the official match roster:
Please note that the time table was moved. The tournament will start on 2.5.2018 and will finish on 4.5.2018.
The international part (AWL International) will also take place a week later, from 21.5.2018 to 31.5.2018.
To watch the AWL Spring Cup matches, follow the official Armored Warfare Facebook page!
Where does the event take place?
- Server: EU/dedicated RU
- Language: English
- Date: 2.5.2018 to 4.5.2018 (National Phase), 21.5.2018 to 31.5.2018 (International Phase)
- Time: from 19:00 CEST
- Mode: PvP
- Format: 7-man teams, single elimination (best of 5, best of 7)
- Maps: Pipelines, Narrows, Ghost Field, Tropical Coast, Lost Island
- Tier: 7 (Consumables and Premium Vehicles allowed, Artillery not allowed)
Tournament Rules
These rules, posted on the site esports.my.com, are the official rules of the AWL: Spring Cup (hereinafter referred to as the "Tournament"). The tournament is held among the teams that have received the right to participate. These rules apply to every team, team managers, team captains, all the team players and other Tournament participants.
The organizer of the tournament is the Armored Warfare team.
- Team - an organized group of players eligible for the tournament. A team consists of 7 players and up to 2 reserve players
- Player - a member of a team who has been signed up for the tournament
- Team’s captain - the player representing his team and responsible for providing the Tournament Organizer with the necessary information
- Referee - a representative of the Tournament Organizer, responsible for observing and enforcing the tournament rules
- Round - a fight between two teams on one map
- Match - a series of rounds
- EU server
- 32 teams, 7 players each
- The bracket is generated automatically
- Format - single elimination (lose once and you’re out), Best of 5
- Maps - Pipelines/Narrows/Ghost Field/Tropical Coast/Lost Island
- All rounds of a match are played one map. Before the match, each team bans two map (t1 ban- t2 ban - t1 ban - t2 ban), the remaining map is played. The team which is higher in the bracket gets to ban first
- The team which is higher in the bracket gets to pick the respawn site
- Lobby parameters: Standard match, Privacy - Private, Duration - 10 minutes, Allow Invites - on. The name of the lobby must contain the names of both teams
- Tier 7, all classes except for SPG are allowed, premiums allowed, all consumables allowed, all commanders are allowed
Signing up:
- Team’s captain submits their squads of 7 players and up to 2 substitutes on esports.my.com from 23.4. to 27.4.2018. The registration closes at 19:00 CEST, 27.4.2018
- After that, team captains have to confirm their team’s participation on the same page. Teams that registered earlier have a priority in getting their spot confirmed. Confirmation closes at 23:59 CEST, 29.4.2018. Brackets will be formed on 30.4.2018
- All players need at least 1 Tier 7 vehicle in order to be eligible for the tournament
- One player can only be a member of one team
- Team’s captain (the one submitting the list of players) must make sure all of his or her players are eligible for the tournament and the team has a name. Additionally, the captain can add up to 2 reserve players, which can be used in case one of the main players can’t participate in a game due to a technical or connection issue.
- After the confirmation is finished all captains must contact the Tournament Organizer in Discord at Peligro#7743
Before and during the matches:
- All matches must start by 20:00 CEST (1/32 - Tuesday, 1/16 - Wednesday. Finals - Sunday)
- At 19:00 CEST, the team captains will get an option to check in on the match page. As soon as one team captain checks in, a 15 minutes timer starts, and if the second captain fails to check in on time, the first team gets a default win
- After both captains have checked in, they may add each other as friends in-game, prepare the lobby and commence the map pick ban
- All captains must make screenshots of the results after every map played
- After the match has concluded, the captains must enter the results of the match on the match page and attach relevant screenshots
- All matches must conclude by 22:00 CEST
- In case where one captain can’t reach another to start a match, but both captains have checked in, a Tournament Organizer must be contacted
- During the matches, players are expected to demonstrate fair play and good sportsmanship
Win conditions:
- A team wins a match after winning 3 round in Bo5
- The conditions for winning a round correspond with the in-game conditions
- If a draw occurs a tie-breaker round will be played
- If a tie-breaker also ends up in a draw, the winner is determined by the following statistics:
- Amount of vehicles left alive after the tie-breaker ends
- If not determined by (1), by the amount of damage dealt by the whole team combined
- If not determined by (2), a referee can call another tie-break round or give default losses to both of the teams, at the discretion of the jury and the Tournament Organizer
A team may be disqualified for the following reasons, at the discretion of the referee from a CM team:
- A team or a member of a team was found guilty of cheating or hacking in any way that gave said team an unfair advantage during the match
- A team or a member of a team was found guilty of match fixing
- A member of a team used obscene, vulgar or offensive language, or statements inciting hatred or discrimination, at any point before, during and after the match
- A team or a member of a team was found guilty of breaking the Armored Warfare EULA
- A member of a team knowingly mislead the Tournament Organizer or other players using deliberately false information
- A member of a team has switched his or her vehicle during a replay
- A member of a team has used an account that belongs to a third person
- A member of a team has provided information about a match lobby to anyone other than the match participants, a referee or an official streamer
- This list is not exclusive. In all disputes the Tournament Organizer has the final decision and reserves the right to disqualify a team
Other rules:
- If necessary a team can take part in a match with incomplete composition. The minimum number of players in the team for the match is 5 players, which means a match can be played 7vs6 or 7vs5. In the event where a team has less than 5 player present, that team gets a default loss
- All captains must have 1 video replay of their matches that must be submitted to the Tournament Organizer (referee) if requested
- In case of a technical issue a round is replayed. Only global server-side issues count as a technical issue
- Players may switch their vehicles between the rounds. In case of a replay of a round players cannot switch their vehicles
- A referee might contact team captains and ask to be invited to spectate a match before or during the game
- Selected matches, included finals, will be broadcasted on AW official Twitch, Youtube & Facebook and casted by the CMs & AW streamers. Tournament Organizer will reach out to team captains to allow spectating for the streamers
- Tournament Organizer reserves the right to call for an additional match to determine stronger team.
- Tournament Organizer reserves the right to fine a team (reduce their prize) if said team has received a default loss during the tournament
- Tournament Organizer reserves the right to alter these rules at any point
- By signing up for the tournament team captains confirm that they have read and agreed to these rules
- In any and all non-standard situations or situations not described by these rules the Tournament Organizer reserves the right resolve the situation at its discretion
Good luck commanders – we’ll see you on the international battlefield!