Question: Will the terrain influence the way a tank moves? Answer: Yes. Terrain in Armored Warfare is separated into three categories:
- Paved roads (asphalt/paved/concrete)
- Off-road terrain (hard, soft, grass)
- Muddy and difficult terrain
For the purpose of the movement calculations, vehicles are split into several categories as well:
- AFV (tracked)
- AFV (wheeled)
- TD (tracked)
- TD (wheeled)
- Light tanks
- MBT’s
- SPG’s
Each type of terrain interacts a bit differently with each class and influences three main movement parameters – top speed, acceleration and traverse – by giving each of the categories listed above either a certain modifier. Sometimes terrain even gives a bonus to movement: for example the wheeled AFV’s move even faster on paved roads while the tracked AFV’s are doing very well in rough terrain compared to other classes.
Question: Are you planning on adding more wheeled vehicles like a Humvee? Answer: Yes, many more vehicles are planned.

Question: Will there be artillery with autoloaders? Answer: We are testing such variant. Our first concern however is to introduce a fun and well-balanced element. Should this mechanism prove unsuitable for the SPG class, we will not insist on having it in the game.