Introducing the Flash Sale limited offer - ever wanted to purchase the MERC, ICE or WOLF vehicles? Here's your chance to get them with significant discounts!

The Flash Sale limited offer will be active from the 28th of May 2016 (19:00 CEST for EU, 10:00 AM PDT for NA) for 24 hours only until the 29th of May 2016 (19:00 CEST for EU, 10:00 AM PDT for NA). It consists of the following bundles:
- All-In-One Pack (85% Discount)
- MERC Pack (50% Discount)
- ICE Pack (50% Discount)
- WOLF Pack (20% Discount)
What makes the top offer (All-In-One Pack) special is the fact that it will be available in limited amount only (100 for both servers combined) during the period on "first come - first served" basis. Please note:
- All bundles will only be available for Gold
- All bundles will only be attributed to the server of player's choosing, please make sure you have the correct server selected
- The owners of any vehicles included in the bundles will be compensated in gold with the bundle discount applied
For example, the compensation for a 3250 Gold vehicle available in a bundle with 50% discount will be 1625 Gold.
Flash Sale Bundles
All bundles will be available through a dedicated Flash Sale page accessible from the Armored Warfare Website during the abovementioned sale period.
The crown jewel of the Flash Sale, available in limited amount only (100 pieces for both servers combined). This package will provide you with all fourteen premium vehicles from the MERC, ICE and WOLF packs:
- LAV-150 90 MERC (Tier 3 TD)
- Object 430 ICE (Tier 3 MBT)
- AMX-10P PAC 90 MERC (Tier 4 TD)
- Zhalo-S-2S14 MERC (Tier 4 TD)
- OF-40 ICE (Tier 4 MBT)
- M60A3 ICE (Tier 5 MBT)
- T-72 Ural ICE (Tier 5 MBT)
- BMD-2 Wolf (Tier 5 AFV)
- MBT-70 MERC (Tier 6 MBT)
- Vickers VFM 5 MERC (Tier 6 LT)
- Leopard 2AV ICE (Tier 6 MBT)
- B1 Centauro 120 Wolf (Tier 7 TD)
- Challenger 1 Wolf (Tier 7 MBT)
- Wiesel 1 Wolf (Tier 7 AFV)
All of them come with level 5 crews, ready for service.
- Original Price: 35600 Gold
- Discount: 85%
- Final Price: 5000 Gold
This package will provide you with five premium MERC Edition vehicles:
- LAV-150 90 MERC (Tier 3 TD)
- AMX-10P PAC 90 MERC (Tier 4 TD)
- Zhalo-S 2S14 MERC (Tier 4 TD)
- MBT-70 MERC (Tier 6 MBT)
- Vickers VFM 5 MERC (Tier 6 LT)
All of them come with level 5 crews, ready for service.
- Original Price: 9425 Gold
- Discount: 50%
- Final Price: 4500 Gold
This package will provide you with five premium ICE Edition vehicles:
- Object 430 ICE (Tier 3 MBT)
- OF-40 ICE (Tier 4 MBT)
- M60A3 ICE (Tier 5 MBT)
- T-72 Ural ICE (Tier 5 MBT)
- Leopard 2AV ICE (Tier 6 MBT)
All of them come with level 5 crews, ready for service.
- Original Price: 8175 Gold
- Discount: 50%
- Final Price: 4000 Gold
This package will provide you with four premium WOLF Edition vehicles:
- BMD-2 WOLF (Tier 5 AFV)
- B1 Centauro 120 WOLF (Tier 7 TD)
- Challenger 1 WOLF (Tier 7 MBT)
- Wiesel 1 WOLF (Tier 7 AFV)
All of them come with level 5 crews, ready for service.
- Original Price: 18000 Gold
- Discount: 20%
- Final Price: 14400 Gold
We hope you will enjoy the bundle discounts as well as the opportunity to purchase otherwise unavailable vehicles!
See you on the battlefield!