Today marks the return of the Legendary Reinforcements event and we are happy to introduce the third vehicle of the series – the VT-5!
The VT-5 is a modern Chinese Light Tank that was developed specifically with export in mind. There are many reasons why a country without its own tank development should opt to purchase a Light Tank instead of a full-scale Main Battle Tank. It’s equally as fast if not faster with equal firepower but, what is most important, it is affordable. The VT-5 excels in all these categories. While its armor cannot match that of an MBT, it can protect its crew against most infantry threats thanks to its ERA and cage armor sets. It also has a powerful 105mm gun capable of firing guided missiles, it is packed with advanced electronics and is supremely agile thanks to its 1000hp diesel engine. Simply put, wraps cutting edge technologies up into an affordable bundle. You can learn more about it in a dedicated article.
In Armored Warfare, the VT-5 is a very powerful Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Fast and agile, it features solid levels of protection (the configuration in the game is the one featuring the ERA kit as well as the turret cage armor) and a good rate of fire. Additionally, its gun is capable of firing guided missiles. It’s an ideal machine for players who value speed and agility, as it offers plenty of both. The VT-5 is capable of dancing around its opponents on the battlefield, outperforming even some AFVs in mobility.
How can I obtain the VT-5?
Starting today, Thursday, April 26, we are introducing a special VT-5 Reinforcement Loot Crate which will be available until April 30, 2018.
This Loot Crate has a chance of dropping the VT-5 along with a lot of other goodies and is available:
- For completing the VT-5 Legendary Reinforcements Missions
- By purchasing them in our Web Shop
- By winning our contests on social media, future tournaments and more
Don’t miss the opportunity – this Loot Crate will not be available anymore for the near future and the vehicle will not be available by any other means either!

Legendary Reinforcements Missions
To celebrate the return of the Legendary Reinforcements, we’ve prepared two major bonuses for you to enjoy. For the duration of this offer, the following bonuses will be active:
- 50% bonus to Reputation income
- 50% bonus to Credit income
Furthermore, we’ve prepared three free VT-5 Loot Crates along with other mission for you:
- Deal 10.000 damage in any mode to receive the first VT-5 Loot Crate
- Deal 25.000 damage in any mode to receive 5 Surplus Parts Crate Consumables
- Deal 50.000 damage in any mode to receive 5 Platinum Reputation Insignia Tokens
- Deal 75.000 damage in PvP, Global Operations or Special Operations to receive the second VT-5 Loot Crate
- Deal 100.000 damage in PvP, Global Operations or Special Operations to receive 2 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost tokens
- Deal 150.000 damage in PvP, Global Operations or Special Operations to receive the third VT-5 Loot Crate
VT-5 Loot Crate Offer
In the Web Shop, the VT-5 Loot Crate is available for 1 USD per piece in the following bundles:
- 2 Loot Crates
- 5 Loot Crates
- 11 Loot Crates (10% discount)
- 23 Loot Crates (15% discount)
- 50 Loot Crates (21% discount)
- 100 Loot Crates (31% discount)

What else does the VT-5 Loot Crate contain?
Apart from a chance to receive the ultimate rare drop – the VT-5 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank, each Loot Crate contains a number of goodies. In fact, you are guaranteed to receive items of at least the value of the Loot Crate!
For a mere 1 USD, the VT-5 Loot Crate offers you the chance to win one or more of the following items:
Unique Premium Vehicle
- VT-5 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
Rare Premium Vehicles
- Sabre Tier 6 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
- T-72 Victory Tier 4 Premium Main Battle Tank
Premium Vehicles
- Vickers Mk.7/2 “Vanquisher” Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
- Stingray 2 Black Eagle Tier 7 Premium Light Tank
- T-72M2 Wilk Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank
- ERC 90 Shark Tier 5 Premium Tank Destroyer
- AMX-10P PAC 90 Fox Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer
Rare Commanders
- Aleksandr Cortez (universal commander, suitable especially for PvE)
- Kathryn Grey (MBT specialist commander, suitable especially for the front lines)
- Joshua Seagrove (TD specialist commander, suitable for sniping)
Gold is an Armored Warfare premium currency and can be spent to accelerate progress or to purchase Premium Vehicles within the game or in the Web Shop.
- 10.000 Gold
- 7.500 Gold
- 5.000 Gold
- 3.500 Gold
- 2.000 Gold
- 1.500 Gold
- 1.000 Gold
- 750 Gold
- 500 Gold
- 350 Gold
- 200 Gold
- 100 Gold
Premium Time
Premium Time accelerates the Armored Warfare progression by improving the Credit and Reputation income rates.
- 3650 days (yes, 10 years!)
- 365 days
- 180 days
- 90 days
- 30 days
- 7 days
- 3 days
- 1 day
Boosters (or Boost Tokens) accelerate general progression for 12 hours each.
- 5 Platinum Armored Warfare 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Gold Armored Warfare 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Gold Drill Master 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Gold Global Legend 12-hour Boost Tokens
- 5 Gold Intel 12-hour Boost Tokens
Insignia Tokens
Insignia Tokens are progression boosters that improve specific types of income for one battle.
- 10 Platinum Crew Insignia tokens
- 10 Platinum Commander Insignia tokens
- 10 Platinum Reputation Insignia tokens
- 10 Platinum Credits Insignia tokens
- 10 Platinum Global Reputation Insignia tokens
- 10 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
- 10 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
- 10 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
- 10 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
- 10 Gold Global Reputation Insignia tokens
Global Reputation
Global Reputation is a special type of Reputation that can be used on every vehicle, not just the one it was obtained on.
- 1.000.000 Global Reputation Points
- 750.000 Global Reputation Points
- 500.000 Global Reputation Points
- 250.000 Global Reputation Points
- 100.000 Global Reputation Points
- 50.000 Global Reputation Points
- 25.000 Global Reputation Points
- 15.000 Global Reputation Points
- 10.000 Global Reputation Points
- 7.500 Global Reputation Points

Please note:
- This offer starts on April 26 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
- This offer ends on April 30 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
- This offer is not available to players located in the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium
- Players who own a Premium vehicle or a Commander and win it by opening a Loot Crate will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold (The Commander value is 1.000 Gold)
- Every bundle is delivered either to the EU server or to the NA server, based on your server selection
Regarding the previous Legendary Reinforcements Loot Crates, we are hard at work delivering you the duplicate drop Gold and Commander Experience you are owed. The existing Loot Crates were, however, thoroughly tested and are working as intended.
Enjoy the event and see you on the battlefield!