As you already know from the recently released patchnotes, in this update, we are introducing one of the most significant changes to the game in recent time – the Mechanized Infantry feature. To make sure we roll out this feature properly, we’ve decided to adopt a bit different approach this time.
For the next seven days, Mechanized Infantry will be in the state of limited testing for a period of seven days. What that means is that while we will enable the feature in full on the live server, we will carefully monitor your feedback for any potential game-breaking problems and will switch the feature off immediately if significant issues emerge.
When this test period is concluded, we’ll decide what to do with this feature based on your feedback – either we will leave the feature on, or will disable it for further overhaul. Please let us know what you think about the Mechanized Infantry feature using the form below:

Please note that the form is available in English only and that you will need a Google account to submit your feedback in order to prevent any tampering with the results.
For more information about Mechanized Infantry, please visit our developer diary and the Mechanized Infantry FAQ.
Let us know your first impressions of this updated Mechanized Infantry version on Discord and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!